@Kudee said in Altitude on navigation display:
@SteD I would LOVE It!
I would love it too, now i' am running osmand parallel to get this info, not really easy
What about an altitude field on the navigation display?
Just to know an important info about your position.
@SteD I would LOVE It!
As the app is developed below sealevel that’s an offensive request
All jokes aside: it’s on our list already! Just where to put it on the screen? There are already so many features taking up space hahah
@Corjan-Meijerink said in Altitude on navigation display:
As the app is developed below sealevel that’s an offensive request
@Corjan-Meijerink said in Altitude on navigation display:
As the app is developed below sealevel that’s an offensive request
I like your humor.
@Kudee said in Altitude on navigation display:
@SteD I would LOVE It!
I would love it too, now i' am running osmand parallel to get this info, not really easy
Yes, for me it is very useful to have the altitude in the navigation screen, this is the feature I like the most in the Osmand app vs My Route. Please add it !!!
@JosepD I use Maps Altimeter app, which works well
Thank you Vince for your help. Could you tell me the exact app you are using? For what I see in your image, the height data overlaps the map, it is great, but I.am not able to find the app you are mentioning.
Thank you again
@JosepD I think he's using this
@Kenny-Thierens Thank you very much, I will tri to find and use it. Nevertheless, I continue to ask to have this feature in the My Route app...
My previous comment about this feature still stands
Currently our focus lies with the general app stability (especially regarding CarPlay and Android Auto) but this is still on our backlog of community requests.