Next closes immediatly when starting a planned route
I am not able to start a route from the route library. The app immediately closes down. It remains active in the background, but when I re-open it from the background apps it shows no route. Instead it opens like it was closed before.
Screenrecording here: a route by entering a destination through the lookingglas seems to work as expected. I am using a Huawei P30 Pro. I have a CAT S52 also, at home, I'll try this evening if it does the same.
So my first experience is not as enthusiastic as most others
I tried a newly created short 5wp route and that showed the same problem.
Also I restarted my phone after the update, to rule that out. -
@Con-Hennekens That's just fine here. Could you share a screen recording video?
@Michel-van-Hagen-MRA-Founder, Michel, read my previous post again
I had the same issue downloaded the app rebooted the phone and start the app, then select / open a route and it displays but as soon as a I pressed start the screen went blank and returned to the desktop display. It did this several time but now after about 20 mins it seems to be working
MRA V 3.2.4
Phone Oppo X3 Lite
OS Android 12
Could be just taking its time to get configured maybe? Not tried using it to Navigate yet -
I have just tried on my CAT S52, this is the one I usually use on the bike. But it shows exactly the same issue. Besides Andrew I have not read anything similar. But I am guessing there is something in my account causing this. It cannot be a coincident that I am one of one, and have it on two phones...
I also tried my Lenovo Tablet now, and actually I DO get a step further... when I start navigating a route, it actually does start navigating. (slow because it's a cheap one). It beats me however, how my two much higher specced phones aren't doing what they should... -
@Andrew-Melton, Well I am many hours further, but no improvement. Glad it works for you.
Strange. I would suggest uninstalling the app completely and clearing cache / data from Settings > Apps > MyRoute-app Mobile too.
That might help! Especially since this is the first report of such issues, I am a bit unsure of what the issue can be.
@Corjan-Meijerink, A complete re-install I tried while you were typing that request
But it did not make a change (on both phones). Now I also followed your suggestion about the cache-data, and user data, and also that makes no difference...
- Is there some way to get diagnostic data to you?
- can you PM me with details of a known working account? Maybe I can test if it's account related that way.
@Con-Hennekens I’ll contact you personally tomorrow!
@Corjan-Meijerink, I need to withdraw some earlier findings because they were incorrect:
I stated that my tablet did function with navigating, but later I found that it was navigating the "follow the line" method, not using Next's turn by turn.
Also I stated that a direct-to-destination route was navigatable (is that a word?), but also that one tricked me into the "follow the line" method. The difference between "follow the line" and "Turn by Turn" is not very clear. The icon that is used at A is identical to the icon used for a turn by turn route planned in the planner. I was thinking the icon for B would have something to do with multiple route suggestions, but apparently it does not.
@Corjan-Meijerink, you are welcome to contact me personally.
@Con-Hennekens I agree that the icons used can be slightly confusing. I'll make sure this is improved in the next update
We want the users to be able to use the Mobile app as they know and also allow Navigation Next users to use the Navigation. The current choice does work but doesn't provide the best experience.
@Corjan-Meijerink, I completely agree with that! I think the most logical way is to improve the Next icons, not the Planner icons. But most important right now (for me that is...) is to find a solution for the crashing app. It looks like that happens as soon as any Next turn-by-turn function gets called.
MyRoute-app community 8 Dec 2022, 12:19
Just adding my 2 cents here...
I've experienced this problem as well. Once it manifests, it seems to continue to fail (closes immediately when starting navigation). My current work-around is to open a different route and start it. This seems to work consistently. I then go back and select the original route and open/start it. For whatever reason, this seems to work.
Just to clarify what I mean by starting a route...
If I get past that point - then all is good. But at times it is an "if".
Also noted it closing unexpectedly with choosing to edit (pencil icon) from this screen.
@Tim-Thompson, yes, that makes us two of a kind
Bevause it seems to be a very rare problem.
I already told @Corjan-Meijerink, this in a support chat, in my experience once my first route-load works then, without quitting the app, I can load all thinkabel routes. But when the first load fails, I can't load any route until perhaps by force-closing the app.
This will be investigated coming week!
@Corjan-Meijerink, I have full confidence
I didn't mean to disturb your weekend!
@Con-Hennekens You haven’t at all
No worries!
For what it ist worth, I'm seeing the same behaviour in a Huawei P20 Pro, Android 10
After selecting and starting the navigation, the screen goes Black and the Desktop appears
I tried several routes, all with the same result.
Starting navigation with the same routes in a Lenovo P11 Pro (Android 12) works fineRegards,
@Hans-Kremers Thanks! Tomorrow - Thursday are scheduled for app development so we’ll start the investigation shortly!
Je rencontre exactement le même problème avec mon Samsung S20FE.
Si je démarre Next, je charge un itinéraire de la bibliothèque, je lance la navigation et l'application se ferme. Si je redémarre une seconde fois, çà fonctionne et je peux ouvrir tous les autres itinéraires sans soucis.