24 May 2022, 17:00

@mylle I have had the same problem for a few days now, which I have never had before.
Every route (already created in the last 3 years, or new) give the same result: instead of Start WP+ 20 intermediate WP + end WP, in the NAVI VI I always see the start + end WP...
I tried them all: I used all possible connectors (gpx 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, BMW Mororbike ...), and I also tried the "save as" option and then manually copied the .gpx file into the GPX directory of the Navigator VI, and then turned the track into a route in the Navi.
No errors, never, but I always had the same result: map displayed correctly but only the two wayPoints, the start and the finish.
Then yesterday I was able to make one last attempt: I borrowed another Navigator VI from a friend, who unlike me hadn't made any updates for at least a year.
And ... everything worked fine!
The same map that on my Navi only showed Start and End, on his it showed all the intermediate waypoints ...
So I came to the conclusion that, at least in my case, the last update made introduced something that no longer allows you to convert the route received from MRA correctly.
And I say this because I also did another test: I connected the two Navigators to my PC, then I took the map correctly imported into my friend's Navi and copied it to my Navi.
Upon startup, my Navi warned me that it had found a new route and if I wanted to import it.
I said yes, and everything worked perfectly, so I could see all the WPs in my Navi as well.
So, at least in my case, it's something at the Navigator level ...
No the question is...how can I solve this...? I have already tried to perform a master reset on my Navi... but nothing changed...