Wegpunkte werden übersprungen, Routeneinstellungen verändert
Hello everyone,
Yesterday I used the MyRoute app for navigation for the first time and encountered two serious problems:- Waypoints are apparently skipped at random, even though "Automatically skip waypoints" is turned off in the settings (red). After accidentally driving between two waypoints in the wrong direction, the route start point was suddenly activated again!?
- On the way home I only entered my destination (so probably track navigation) and selected the curvy option. When I deviated from the route even slightly (filling up, making a wrong turn), the curvy option disappeared again and the app wanted to direct me onto the motorway.
What am I doing wrong - I can't use the app like this?
Thank you very much for your help! -
It would be useful to change the name of the topic because you have asked your questions in English.
I suggest you change the topic name to:
Waypoints are skipped, route settings changed -
@Nick-Carthew Thank you for this hint. Could you please give me a tip how I can change the topic title?
Next update will include improvements regarding both your issues!