ETA and next waypoint info sometimes disappears
I have had a few occasions where the ETA box and the next waypoint icon disappears from the screen of my phone (running MRA on a phone). See picture below. And the info doesn't reappear automatically.
I will try to find out when it happens but if somebody knows it would be good to hear. It could be related to having driven through a tunnel and the app not being able to recover from this but this is just a suspicion for now. It's quite a problem when it happens as I cannot simply stop or fix it while driving.
@Herman-Veldhuizen I had a similar problem yesterday. I was driving a route I had created myself. Due to a traffic jam on the highway, the route was apparently changed. However, I followed the original route. After I got to the point where I should have turned off, the same thing happened to me. The MRA continued to search for at least 15 km, even when I passed the exits and drove back on the route I had set and created. Only after I stopped the route and restarted it was the problem over.
Ik had gisteren zo'n zelfde probleem. Ik reed een eigen gemaakte route. Vanwege een file op de snelweg werd de route kennelijk aangepast. Ik volgde echter de oorspronkelijke route. Nadat ik het punt waar ik af had moeten slaan gebeurde bij mij het zelfde. MRA bleef ten minste 15 km zoeken, zelfs toen ik de omleiding voorbij was en weer op de aangegeven en door mij gemaakte route reed. Pas na het stoppen van de route en weer starten was het probleem over.
Ik heb er inmiddels een ticket van ingezonden!