Routing glitch
I'm trying to create a route from Kanab UT to Blanding UT via hwy 89 then hwy 12 then hwy 24 at Torrey UT across to hwy 95 to hwy 191.
The problem is no matter how I try to create the route the route along hwy 24 doubles back and add a large loop utilizing I-70. This adds many miles to the route and is unusable.
I've checked to make sure the waypoints are on the correct lane of the road, completely started a new file from scratch, importing the route from Basecamp and just about every other trick I know.
I'm creating this route to lead a large group of motorcycles on a ride so it is important I get this correct for their sake. I can ignore an issue once in a while for my own use but don't feel good about sharing a route if it isn't error free.
Please give it a shot and see if it acts the same with you. If it doesn't tell me how to correct my route. Thanks in advance.
@AXMRDR It would make it a whole lot easier if you could share your route please.
Make sure that the privacy is set to public before sharing.
If you click on Link after the Share button then copy and paste the URL web address in your reply.
@Nick-Carthew Thank you.
Here is an abbreviated route that shows the issue.
This is the portion of the route I am having trouble with. I'm using the HERE map.
Here is the full route.'ve rode this route back in 2019.
Unable to open them as the privacy is not set to public