Riding mode not specific enough
I was trying to plan a rout with my motorbike through the german als including some specific points. I was looking for specific locations that can be reached with the motorbike, taking into account the the navigation is not considering seasonal blockings. I was trying to drive from Schlipfhalden via Fuchsalm (Stop point) to Gschwend. I was trying different methods (TomTom/HERE) under the driving mode motorbike, with the following result.
only by using OpenStreetMap I received the expected result
But then received the message that the selected riding mode does only function with TomTom and HERE. Why is that the case? Shouldn't also HERE and TomTom be able to route on this street? Where can I select septic capabilities of my bike? -
I've managed to repliacte this issue using the same location and got the same issue, this is probaly a issue with HERE maps rather than MRA.
You can choose to use OSM mapping but you 'may' get some strange routing, or it maybe ok.
In this instance I would place a Waypoint at the junction called 'turn left or right' here to get you on the correct route and then follow the road to 11.
Sometimes we have to get creative. -
@Rob-Kelley thank you very much for your response. I already thought it might be an issue of my equipment.
Sure I will be creative not to miss the junction, but to be honest that’s like being back in „base camp“. I might be wrong, but this road should be picked by MRA. Would be nice to understand, why it’s not picked. -
As I mentioned, I think the issue is with the HERE mapping which is a 3rd party service and not an issue with MRA. -
@Converted_, the entry of this road looks like this:
I am not really sure, but I think the sign says "Forschungsweg", and the smaller text probably says it is not allowed for other then local traffic or "Anlieger". So in this specific case HERE might just be the correct one
@Con-Hennekens said in Riding mode not specific enough:
@Converted_, the entry of this road looks like this:
I am not really sure, but I think the sign says "Forschungsweg", and the smaller text probably says it is not allowed for other then local traffic or "Anlieger". So in this specific case HERE might just be the correct one
Hi Con-Hennekens,
than you very much for your comment.
You might be correct with your interpretation of the sign. But what I have uploaded is an official rout published by TourenFahrer and to be honest I can hardly imagine that they propose to drive a road that would not be legal. Additional to that if it would not be legal to drive that road how come TomTom make this possible.Anyway, I have a work around and maybe that will help me in the future.
Multiple thoughts really. Maybe the signs are quite new and not all map providers are aware. Or maybe the signs have been removed, and StreetView as well as HERE are behind. Many possibilities
It's a "no parking zone", a "Rettungsweg" / "escape lane(?)", private property (typically means "use at your own risk") but not restricted.
OSM shows no restriction either.Should be allowed for cars and motorbikes.
@Martin-Wilcke thank you very much for clarification!
Out of curiosity, I registered for the "HERE map creator" and had a look:
The information on the HERE map seems to be outdated, but as I have no local knowledge of this area, I don't want to change that.