New map styles only show during navigation?
Hi all,
I've just been playing with the new map styles, which is a great option. At first I was confused as the map didn't seem to be changing. I then discovered that it's only when you begin navigation that the map style changes. What is the map style when one just opens the map but hasn't entered any routes, and is there a reason why that map isn't styled according to the user's choice as well?
@Tim-Watson The standard mapstyle by default is OSM:
@Rob-Verhoeff Cheers Rob. I can see the layers button now sets that default map. Mine is set to HERE (Gold). I think I just expected that to also change to the map style I selected for navigation. I'm sure there's a reason why it doesn't.
@Tim-Watson I made the same mistake. Once you navigate all the new styles are visible
@Tim-Watson perhaps this may sound a bit obvious but those map styles your talking about are under the "Navigation" settings and not under "general"
I also find it confusing. Would have also preferred to see that it is the same everywhere: in the route planner, in the app without navigation on and in the app with navigation on.
@CD130 that’s a contractual reason, working in it
Same why only Gold users also cannot use the in-app planner.