Route number announcement anomalies
I spend lot of time in NY lately. Here, upstate, there are lot of local routes named: RT-17K, Rt-9D, etc.
I was listening lately to the announcement of the routes that I needed to turn, and something sounded really funny. I took several turns on the preprogrammed route, and the announcements were as follows:
"...right turn on Art negative seventeen kay" or
"...right turn on Art negative nine dee"
I thought I am going nuts, but I really focused on listening, and that is what I actually heard; and hey, I do not smoke. -
@UltraStar said in Route number announcement anomalies:
"...right turn on Art negative seventeen kay" or
"...right turn on Art negative nine dee"Haha this is due to the specific T2S engine you selected. T2S is as good as it's ability to read text like we humans can
@Stefan-Hummelink Hmm, I have not change anything in the configuration of the phone or application. Any advice where should I look?
@UltraStar said in Route number announcement anomalies:
Any advice where should I look?
Oh, I only wanted to state the obvious that T2S engines are not perfect yet and as far as I know there is no solution to the T2S not able to identify that RT-xxx shall be spoken 'ArrrrTeeSeventeenKay" instead of the dash being interpreted as minus or negative haha.
@UltraStar This might be fixed in the upcoming 4.1.3 release!
The underlying engine we use made the following change:
Fixed an issue for the voice maneuver text generation. Added a <speak> tag to comply with the SSML (Speech Synthesis Markup Language) specification.
which could just solve the issue you are experiencing
@Stefan-Hummelink Thanks man. It was really funny, something that highlighted a drive.
@Corjan-Meijerink Thank you guys all a lot.
@UltraStar yea, I get that all the time as well. I'm in Texas, and secondary roads are 'FM' (farm to market in the old days) roads...and the way the instruction, for example, comes across like:
"FM1463 - FM one thousand four hundred sixty three road"
Where as Google/Apple maps have is much simplified, like "FM fourteen sixty three"
Now, if you have picked a destination from the search for an A - B route, such as, for example, this address: 2223 S Voss Rd, Houston, TX 77057, which is a BBQ Restaurent, is pronounced as:
"two thousand two hundred twenty three S Voss Road, Houston, Texas, seven thousand fifty seven" Similar to above, Google/Apple maps say it as "twenty two twenty three S Voss Rd"....the zip code does not come into play whatsoever...and why should it!
By time the instruction is done announcing, many turns may have taken place!!
It would be nice if an adjustment to this were made - it's not the end of the world if not, just cleans it up that much more!
@Peter-Schiefer said in Route number announcement anomalies:
I got a request, Is it a good idea for tour guiding for friends using MRA too, to set longer text in the waypoint comment/remark field with verbal notification, when you came close to an interesting POI.
This is already possible, or am I missing your point?