Stromverbrauch viel zu hoch!
Nachdem ich im Verlauf des Jahres beobachtet habe, dass die Navigation ständig besser geworden ist (vielen Dank dafür!), muss ich leider nochmals den viel zu hohen Stromverbrauch kritisieren.
Mit der App-Version 4.0.6. - 232 war ich gestern 230km unterwegs und mein ausschließlich für die Navigation genutztes Android 10 Smartphone mit einem 8.500 mAh Akku hatte anschließend einen Ladezustand von 48%.
Das ist frustrierend, absolut inaktzeptabel bei längeren Touren, insbesondere im Vergleich mit anderen Navi-Apps!
Wann wird sich das ändern?
Gruß hawebo -
@hawebo this is unfortunately a known issue
I have an extended meeting with HERE today to discuss this (again). -
@Corjan-Meijerink Give them hell Corjan
@Corjan-Meijerink, make it a group call with some of us...
@Corjan-Meijerink I think we can assemble a decent fighting team...
@Drabslab @Con-Hennekens @Rob-Verhoeff Oh you
@Corjan-Meijerink how did the meeting go?
@Drabslab fine with regards to expressing frustration about the lack of progress.
Frustrating given the lack of progress -
@Corjan-Meijerink, haha, I imagine...
@Corjan-Meijerink grom, i don't like to read "lack of progress".
If this is a HERE problem and they are not working (fast enough) on a solution, how realistic would it be to navigate using OSM?
@Drabslab, that would be a complete rewrite of the app. Maybe even sperately for IOS and Android. But I don't think it could be as feature rich as the current platform.
@Con-Hennekens said in Stromverbrauch viel zu hoch!:
that would be a complete rewrite of the app.
Can't believe that unless the architecture of the app is really bad, and I do not believe that either ?
Well OSM doesn’t have a navigation tool (SDK) for our development platform (Flutter). So yeah, pretty impossible.
As the battery usage is caused by the map rendering, we are looking into workarounds for that, but pretty complex too
I get another answer from HERE next week so I’ll just keep nagging them
Dave J 0
@Corjan-Meijerink said in Stromverbrauch viel zu hoch!:
Well OSM doesn’t have a navigation tool (SDK) for our development platform (Flutter). So yeah, pretty impossible.
As the battery usage is caused by the map rendering, we are looking into workarounds for that, but pretty complex too
I get another answer from HERE next week so I’ll just keep nagging them
Do HERE state the difference between their pure Android/iOS API battery usage and their Flutter version? If they're all bad, no amount of tinkering will bring the Flutter version round.
Another angle to investigate is whether their own app has the same battery problems:
An hour or two's ride will confirm it's their problem, not just MRA's implementation.
And finally - a long shot, but if things don't improve then a possible fallback:
I've no doubt there are holes compared to HERE functionality (no offline maps/routing?), but then again it might render with lower battery usage.
If nothing else it may act as a gentle lever/reminder for HERE to pull their finger out if you mention you're investigating alternatives.
@richtea999 thanks for thinking along
Their app (especially the Flutter reference app) display similar high battery usage. -
@Corjan-Meijerink Oh, that's both good and bad:
Your code is good, Corjan!
And theirs is just a little bit sh*t.They need a Flutter expert. And it's not me.
If they added it to and made the API/interface open source on GitHub, they'd get some free feedback, possibly some fixes, and some publicity/sales, since it's the backend that makes them money.
Good luck discussing that with them!
Habe heute eine ca. 50 km Vergleichsfahrt gemacht, um die Akkunutzung zu testen. Auf dem Hinweg habe ich mit HERE WeGo navigiert, auf dem Rückweg mit MyRouteApp.
Die Akkunutzung unterscheidet sich gerade einmal um 3% zu Lasten vom MRA, siehe Screenshots.
Anzumerken ist noch, das HERE WeGo während der Navigation 8 Mal abgestürtzt ist und MRA 1 Mal in den Offlinmodus gewechselt ist.
Gruß hawebo -
@hawebo exactly! Thanks for confirming this
The root cause really is originating from the HERE map rendering. Quite frustrating. -
Considering that this long standign issue is hindering the further development of MRA, and is annoying your user base, maybe you start negotiating a price reduction from HERE?
Usually, tyhat is a language they understand
@Corjan-Meijerink said in Stromverbrauch viel zu hoch!:
exactly! Thanks for confirming this
The root cause really is originating from the HERE map rendering. Quite frustrating.Könnte MRA in dem Fall nicht erwägen, auf die Kartendarstellung von TomTom zu wechseln?
Damit wäre die Planung von kurven- bzw höhenreichen Routen einfach und keine anschließende Übertragung/Speicherung nach HERE mehr erforderlich. -
Rob Verhoeff