Routeplanner+App suggestion: Adding URL to Hard points
Create a posibility to add a URL in de Tekst section of a Hard point in a route. The URL should be clickable from the screen in the MRA App. This creates a posibility to add a link to information about the stopping point or to go to a question (tour including quiz), a sponsor, offers from partners.
It is possibel to a a URL, but it is not recognised as a URL in the navigation app. And since we are navigating on a phone with a data conenction, this opens a lot of possibilities for new touring concepts. -
Mogelijkheid bij een hard punt een URL op te nemen in de tekst die als zodanig wordt herkend. Link naar een webpage met aanvullende info, vraag, sponsor, aanbieding etc etc…. Invoer in Routeplanner, bruikbaar maken in App.
@Gerard-Wullink Fun idea which is already somewhere on our backlog!
@Corjan-Meijerink Nice! Is the backlog visible somewhere?
This could become handy if a lot of improvements are on the list. People could vote for the most wanted and you could create a planning from that wishlist.... -
@Gerard-Wullink no it isn’t publicly available
However most of the items come from this very forum.I do like the idea you shares but it also creates more work load for me to organise it - for now we’ll keep it as it is