Connector für iOS - iphone / iPad
Hallo Next Team,
wie wäre es mit einem Connector für die Übertragung auf den Navigator N6, macOS ist nur für den Mac, da ich alles mit dem iPhone / iPad mache wäre das eine Hilfreiche Erweiterung um dieses auch zu ermöglichen da doch noch einige den N6 nutzen.
@Hubert-Thoring the app itself is sort of a connector
If you download & export files from the app you can often choose another app that can import gpx files for your need
The connector makes only sense for devices that will be connected and supported (in this case, connected to iPad, iPhone). But the problem is that iOS on iPhone and iPad does not support a USB device like a TomTom Rider or a Garmin Zumo. These devices do not work like a mass storage device (like a USB Stick) and therefore will be not seen from iPhone/iPad.
The only way is via TomTom MyDrive or Garmin Drive App.
@Jörgen :
@Corjan-Meijerink :
Hey Jörgen,
Hey Corjan,
nicht ganz, ich nutze den USB Kamara Adapter fürs iPad / iPhone. Dachte wenn es da einen angepassten Connector fürs iPhone/ iPad gäbe wäre es für uns Anwender noch leichter.Das N6 hat leider keine App die man zur Routen Übertragung nutzen kann, und es kann auch nicht per Bluetooth übertragen werden. Es geht nur per USB Kabel
Ich nutze in der MyRouteApp dann zum Export als Format 1.1GPX, dann Speichern unter dem USB Dateien Zugriff aufs Garmin BMW N6 ins Verzeichnis:
… /Garmin/GPX
@Hubert-Thoring, I think developing a mobile plugin (actually 2 since Android users will then ask for it too) is a bit senseless in an era where everyone is shifting to cloud enabled devices or wireless protocols. The BMW N6 is derived from an already cloud connected Zumo device, it's just that BMW forgot to implement it in their fork. You already found a workaround, that's great!
@Con-Hennekens : okay verstehe ich, dann ist es halt so
@Hubert-Thoring, When I was using zumo's I thought of it as part of the preparation to make sure all possibly needed routes were loaded. Nowadays everyone wants to do that on the go. I am sure a few years ago your idea would become reality very soon
I feel BMW has missed the boat on the cloud feature with the N6. That often happens with rebranded products. They want to sell the product, but do not want to maintain the cloud features that are out of their comfortzone.
But hey... you are using the Navigation app also, aren't you? I never touched my Zumo again after I started using MRA Navigation. So I think you can prepare your N6 for selling too
@Con-Hennekens : Das ist wohl naheliegend!!