Making routes public
Is it wise to make a route public without riding it? I am new and have been learning how to plot a route by using routes well known to me. These would be good to share but don't want to cause anyone any trouble if I make a mistake.
@Andy-Welland that's a risk the person borrowing your route will take.
@Andy-Welland It’s the users responsibility to always check a route before using it. Even the routes that we add to the RouteXpert Library have a disclaimer advising users to always check before using.
So in answer to your question. It makes no difference to have your routes private or public.
Carry on enjoying making your routes -
Hi Andy,
What I usually do is leave the route private until I have it all ready. Then I put it either on friends or public. By using the Google Maps Hybrid or Google Maps Satellite in combination with the Here map and / or TomTom map, you can put together a good route very well.
And as Nick indicates, the disclaimer of the RouteXperts routes also states that it is wise to always check the route yourself first. -
Thanks for the help guys.