automatic tracklog
I have set "automatically start tracklog" under the navigation settings. However, when using Apple CarPlay, nothing is logged during navigation, and nothing is saved when stopping. Why can't it be set so that the track is automatically logged every time the app is used in CarPlay?
Ralf -
@Ralf-Zimmerningkat The tracklog is only started for scenic or created routes. Not for A to B navigation.
And why is that so? Why aren’t all rides logged? That would be much nicer even by using Carplay
@Ralf-Zimmerningkat Deliberate choice.
Our users do not tend to be interested in automatic keeping track of AB routesStarting / stopping a tracklog from CarPlay is something that will be added in a future update.
@Ralf-Zimmerningkat, why would a plain A2B route be interesting enough to track?