@Rob-Verhoeff Seems like it is the fact I have my offline maps on the SD card... Turned it off and the update went thru no issue... Will play with it some more and try to replicate if possible. Thanks!
Offline Map update issue..
Offline map update stuck on "Preparing update" v1.57 to 1.59.
Usually had an indication of how many maps downloading but not occuring now.
Any idea on how to solve this?
@Andre-Trudeau Just updatet my offline maps. You mean the info in the yellow rectangular box I guess? This picture is also v1.57 > 1.59. Download was successful.
@Rob-Verhoeff Yes. Mine has been stuck for 45 minutes now at "Preparing update"...
@Rob-Verhoeff Seems like it is the fact I have my offline maps on the SD card... Turned it off and the update went thru no issue... Will play with it some more and try to replicate if possible. Thanks!
@Andre-Trudeau since a couple of updates in the past the advise was NOT the use the sd card for the map Downloads
@Marinus-van-Deudekom I figured that much
Well, hopefully that will be fixed at some point.
@Marinus-van-Deudekom yes and resolved immediately after
@Corjan-Meijerink I had the same problem some time ago with Offline maps on the SD card. After deleting the maps there and reloading them on the device itself, I haven't had any more problems. And I have since done several updates.
I did notice, though, that if I leave the app while updating, the update apparently pauses and when you get back into the app, you have to start the update again by clicking on the little circle behind the maps (on the right) to make the update start again.
Ik had enige tijd geleden hetzelfde probleem met Offline kaarten op de SD kaart.
Nadat ik de kaarten daar verwijderd had en ze opnieuw op het toestel zelf geladen heb, heb ik geen problemen meer gehad. En ik heb inmiddels meerdere updates gedaan.Wel gemerkt, dat als ik tijdens het updaten uit de app ga, de update kennelijk gepauzeerd wordt en je als je weer in de app komt, de update weer moet starten dor op het rondje achter de kaart (rechts) moet klikken om het updaten weer te laten starten.
@white-mouse said in Offline Map update issue..:
I did notice, though, that if I leave the app while updating, the update apparently pauses and when you get back into the app, you have to start the update again by clicking on the little circle behind the maps (on the right) to make the update start again.
I think that mainly happens when you start doing other things with your phone and temporarily lose internet connection (switching APs can already be a temporary loss of connection!). Restarting the update is necessary indeed, but it takes off where it left.
@Marinus-van-Deudekom said in Offline Map update issue..:
since a couple of updates in the past the advise was NOT the use the sd card for the map Downloads
That issue was resolved very quickly. However an SD card often lacks speed, and is dependent on a simple contact connection that can be finnicky when exposed to vibrations. It is a lot more error prone than internal memory. If not explicitly needed, I would advise to use internal memory always.
@Con-Hennekens that's what @Corjan-Meijerink said above. In top of that the amount of space needed on your phone for the offline maps is not that big zo why take the chance of mishaps occurring by putting them on an sd card. I stopped using the sd card for that purpose