@Adrian-Avram The TomTom planning map is there for those that use a TomTom rider sat nav and also the latest BMW sat nav’s.
TomTom Maps in navigation ?
I was wondering is there a possibility to replace the Here maps with TomTom maps in navigation settings ?
I am asking this because in TomTom maps i have all the correct roads, but in Here maps there are a lot of roads missing. I am using the TomTom map on the planner, but navigation is running on Here and its messing up my route !
Route planned on TomTom Maps:
Navigation is running Here Maps:
And it looks the same if i open the planner with Here maps:
So how can we navigate using TomTom maps which, are spot on ?
Thanks ! -
@Adrian-Avram No, unfortunately, that won't be possible. The entire navigation is based on the Here map. There is no TomTom map layer available as you do have in the planner. The only things you can change during navigation are the color scheme of the map (Vulf, Wong, Dart) and the type of map (Explore, Topographic, etc.).
@Rob-Verhoeff in this case i was better off with TomTom Go, which was very accurate. Here maps have a lot of error in comparison with TomTom. What is the point having TomTom maps for planning, so you can ride the route in the crappy Here maps ? Sorry but I dont see the point ....
@Adrian-Avram The TomTom planning map is there for those that use a TomTom rider sat nav and also the latest BMW sat nav’s.
@Adrian-Avram said in TomTom Maps in navigation ?:
What is the point having TomTom maps for planning, so you can ride the route in the crappy Here maps ? Sorry but I dont see the point ....
The point is: you have a very user-friendly planner. Especially if you have a Gold subscription. Then you can export the route to your TomTom and just drive.
By the way, for driving a route that you’ve created yourself, I don't find the Here map particularly unpleasant. But well, tastes differ. Otherwise, everyone would have liked Brussels sprouts...
@Adrian-Avram strange because what I see while planning a route that the TomTom maps usually create problems and I do not agree with your statement of crappy Here maps. Are they perfect no but crappy hmmmmmm
if you are gold then use function in toolbox to compare with here map. you then see if route made in tt is the same as here.
@Bouke-Ent hi ! I tried that, and this is just one example where Here is messing thing in comparison with TT. It making me take useless detours ....
That is because the viapoints are are not placed correctly, point 2 is on the wrong lane
@Adrian-Avram said in TomTom Maps in navigation ?:
I tried that, and this is just one example where Here is messing thing in comparison with TT. It making me take useless detours ....
That's because you are using the wrong map for MRA Navigation.
@Con-Hennekens MRA Navigation has only one map ! The Here map with different color schemes, and that is it unfortunately ...
Please share the url of the route, make sure it is set public
Place point 2 after the roundabout
@Hans-van-de-Ven-MR-MRA done that, still the same issue with Here maps. I think there is a map issue, but how and where can i report it to Here Maps ?
@Hans-van-de-Ven-MR-MRA Problem has been addressed. Waiting for Here to update the maps accordingly.
I think we can close this issue. Thank you for your support ! -
@Adrian-Avram said in TomTom Maps in navigation ?:
@Hans-van-de-Ven-MR-MRA done that, still the same issue with Here maps. I think there is a map issue, but how and where can i report it to Here Maps ?
Is this what you are trying to acheive ?
I moved point 2 and deleted point 3.https://www.myrouteapp.com/en/social/route/10203650?mode=share
Hi @Adrian-Avram,
my personal experience is exactly the other way round: I have seen much more errors an issues when I was using TomTom maps and was and be happy with the HERE maps now
I personally came to the final conclusion, that there is no general better map material: They all have their strengths and weaknesses.
Thomas -
@richard-3v nope, your route still takes me in the wrong direction, and then back to the waypoints. This is how my route is supposed to look like (plotted with TomTom map)
The issue is with the map (Here map), i have reported the road section to be modified as highway on ramp and one-way lane.