Importing POI into Favoutites
Good day all. New to this program. I have been used to having a bank of waypoints or POI that I can copy between routes etc. Have GPX files from another program. Have imported the routes - fine. Trying to find where the waypoint are and if I can import them into some sort of library for me to use later?
Thanks -
Import the poi file as poi. Then open a route, go to points of interest, left menu, then hit the library tab.
@Hans-van-de-Ven-MR-MRA Thank you. Does the same apply with waypoints? I use Basecamp at present.
@Peter-Croft sort of. My solution was: export every single folder in Basecamp as an GPX file and import it under the POI section in MRA. In that way you keep your order you had in Basecamp. Like this
Thank you everyone. I shall play.
Could you send me your POIs of Ducati-Europe? - topic:timeago_later,10 days
@No6671 yeah, but I have to warn you, it is a very old file. On Ducati's site, you find the actual dealers faster and it is more trustworthy
Link to Ducati stores(old) -
Thank you anyway.I just have a break and will check out the KTM SA-R, the -S version and the new GS1300. So maybe I will need some other POIs hahaha.