Selbst wenn Deutsch meine Muttersprache ist, verstehe ich nicht, was du uns sagen willst. Bitte noch mal etwas ausführlicher und verständlicher erklären.
Was mich nervt in der Routenplanung
Keine einfache Wegpunkte zu setzen und diese durch verbinden In eine Route zu verwandeln.
Basecamp ist schlecht ab er auch Track of the Day kann das.
Ordner erstellen mit den WP und so mehrere Varianten der Route zu generieren.
Macht die Planung nicht einfach.
Wann kommt ein Update?
Kudee in Love with MRA! -
@Kudee I don't understand your way of creating routes. Maybe you should explain that first. When I look at your route, it seems like you've randomly placed a number of waypoints on the map. Do you expect MRA to create a logical route from it? It's an interesting concept, but I don't think this functionality will come very quickly or at all!
Selbst wenn Deutsch meine Muttersprache ist, verstehe ich nicht, was du uns sagen willst. Bitte noch mal etwas ausführlicher und verständlicher erklären.
Hans van de Ven MR.MRA Instructor RouteXperts last edited by Hans van de Ven MR.MRA 7 Nov 2023, 05:58 7 Nov 2023, 05:55
@Jörgen @Rob-Verhoeff
I suspect this is what @Kudee means:
You select a number of POI's and let the system create a route from point to point.
This works best by putting the POI's in the correct order, which one do you visit first, second, etc. -
I think it more or less the same request as this: Dev already answered:
Fun thing, we had this implemented a few years ago.
Implementation was based on Google Maps.
We dropped Google Maps as supported service and thus this feature was dropped.
This is definitely something we can add again in the near future -
Ok I see, but why didn't he say it like that, it's not a guessing game here. -
@Con-Hennekens exactly what I said before. Couldn’t find the topic
@Jörgen, I think some members sometimes need to guess about your messages too
(and mine as well...) -
@Con-Hennekens said in Was mich nervt in der Routenplanung:
@Jörgen, I think some members sometimes need to guess about your messages too
(and mine as well...)May be lost in translation.
But it was in German ...
Yes, that's the only nice thing about Basecamp and was also my way of planning my routes. Create waypoints and turn them into a route. -
@Kudee Then I did translate your question correctly! And as you can see in @Con-Hennekens response, this wish has already been discussed in that other topic and is now on the radar of the dev-team. A really nice wish!
This could be a solution: