Hervatten navigatie
Op mijn toestel een Samsung A52, werkt het hervatten van de navigatie niet. Dus: stoppen navigatie en daarna kiezen voor hervatten navigatie geeft enkel een grijs scherm.
@HS several people have reported similar problems. I've also seen it recover after a minute or two. Usually you have to hard kill the app and restart it.
I have been experiencing this also. Especially on my CAT which is a lot less powerfull than my P30 pro. So maybe that is a factor. Another factor seems to be the offline navigation function. I do not experience this problem in offline mode, only in online mode (even with a valid internet connection).
Maybe other readers can test this and confirm (or not).
PS: this message should be moved to the APP category instead of the WEB category.
Hans van de Ven MR.MRA
I have the same experience. Pauzing the route results in a stalling app. Restart and than proceed your route. Annoying.
Maybe it is solved when using the offline mode. -
I had the same problem yesterday. Fortunately, I am still using my Garmin XT as my primary navigation. I only use the MRA app to check if it works like my Garmin XT.
The rider in front of me took a different route than the planned one. A few seconds later. MRA-app crashed. OK, I decided to send the crash report. Even when I tried to resume my route nothing happened. 3K later, I managed to resume the route.
Next step was to switch to offline navigation. 50 K later... Same problem in the same situation and another crash.
I hope Corjan and his team can see what happens in the crash reports.