Track or route
I have used the navigation app three times now, the first twice being relatively simple local routes which I was already familiar with.
Yesterday I went into the mountains to stay in a gîte we have rented - the route was planned as per normal and I included a shaping point to avoid a town.
I am familiar with the first half of the route and so followed the road I would normally take however this caused an immediate problem as the app tried to take me back to the track rather than recalculate.
I could have turned around and followed the route turn by turn but had my wife in the car and explaining why I was doing this when she also knew the first part of the route, would not have gone down well
I eventually switched off the volume and followed the blue line when it coincides with the route I was driving
We got to the gîte without an issue but mainly because I knew the way and the final viapoint was clearly marked on the screen albeit it telling me that I had to make a turn and drive for another three hours or so to (I assume) follow the original track.
I don't want to follow a track (normally) and want a navigation application that recalculates if not on the prescribed route
Needless to say, I used another app to get back home (Sygic) which does automatically recalculate
I also noticed issues with skip waypoints as I tried to delete the shaping point to see if that helped me
Either it is a user issue or a software issue but when released as a mainstream product, this has to be addressed to be more straightforward.
Otherwise, a great application.
@Nick-Dawson : Manches Verhalten der Navi App erklärt sich nicht wenn man es mit anderen guten gewohnten Apps vergleicht, aber da es eine Beta Test Version ist sollten wir abwarten ..
@Next Team:
Ich teste zur Zeit nicht mehr da die Jahreszeit fürs Motorrad nicht wirklich passt und die aktuell Beta Version so noch unbedingt weiter bearbeitet werden muss.Die offenen Themen sollten die Entwicklern bei Euch ja ausreichend bekannt sein
Unter anderem: „muss mal meine Erfahrungen Luft machen“ hatte es ja auch schon als Testergebnisse gemeldet..!
Abbruch der Navigation ohne ersichtlichen Grund, Symbol Satellit/ Bäume oder so links oben auf dem Display!!
Routing manchmal auf unklaren Strecken, verlauf nicht immer logisch !!
Routing Neu Berechnung erfolgt nicht immer, mal so oder so, nicht wirklich glaubhaft .. wenn man die normale Strecke kennt und der Verkehr normal ist.
Routing startet erst wenn man sich im Auto, auf dem Weg befindet .. schon auf dem Weg gemacht macht, … „Wer von den Entwicklern kommt auf sowas ?!?!“ Sowas kenne ich von keiner anderen App der Mitbewerber so.
Alles Punkte die man so nicht immer versteht da sonst immer bei Mitbewerbern am Markt kein Problem ..
Aber ich denke es liegt an der Beta App Version das entschuldigt viel aber macht ein Verständnis schwierig hier am Ball zum Testen zu bleiben.
Also abwarten ist wohl das Beste.
Viel Erfolg bis zum Ziel, ich glaube an Euch und der Idee.
VG Hubert
@Hubert-Thoring thank you for your response.
My understanding is that others have reported similar issues.
For me, unless these are resolved, the application does not work for me.
My next longer trip is in March to go skiing for a week however, I do not want to have the same problems as I had on Saturday therefore I will keep to Sygic.
Hopefully the software issues will be resolved before the motorcycling season commences.
Good luck
@Nick-Dawson @Hubert-Thoring All these issues will definitely be resolved before the final release. Please keep in mind that this is still merely the Beta phase
I can confirm that all the issues listed by @Hubert-Thoring are solved / greatly improved in the next Beta version. We aim to release that version this week! General stability / route recalculation logic has also been improved so you will definitely have a different experience next time @Nick-Dawson. Please do note that automatically skipping waypoints is not yet implemented.
@Corjan-Meijerink Danke für die Info, ja ich freue mich schon drauf. VG Hubert