@Steve-Lynch There is a route which is about 40km, but some short walks are required to get closer to the castle in some cases. Some are still private property, some are open to the public. For instance Kasteel Vorden is fully decorated. An audio tour is available at the nearby Bosloods restaurant. Nice trip for a lazy day.
P.S. It may sound like I earn money from these activities, but I am just a proud Vorden citizen.
Hello from Vorden
I live in The Netherlands in the beautiful place of Vorden, which has 8 castles by the way. I like to travel on my GS for short trips as well as holidays. I am a member of the touring comittee of VAMC de Graafschaprijders, our local MC witc has about 350 members. We plan our routes in MRA.Have fun!
Gerard -
@Gerard-Wullink Welcome to the forum.
Welkome Gerard. -
Welcome @Gerard-Wullink
Welcome to the forum.
I like the sound of 8 Castles as I plan to get back to Europe next year.
Steve (UK) -
@Steve-Lynch There is a route which is about 40km, but some short walks are required to get closer to the castle in some cases. Some are still private property, some are open to the public. For instance Kasteel Vorden is fully decorated. An audio tour is available at the nearby Bosloods restaurant. Nice trip for a lazy day.
P.S. It may sound like I earn money from these activities, but I am just a proud Vorden citizen. -
Thanks for the further info.