@John-Doyle-0 Your profile page should now display the correct information! Thanks for reporting
Silver Subscription
Hi All
New MRA user here and I have 2 questions regarding the Silver subscription that I purchased
In my account details It lists that I have a Silver subscription but in the Profile it says I have the Basic free account Is there anything in the profile i need to do to change thisAlso according to this page
I should have access to up to 10 map layers but appear to be able to use 4
the rest appear to be locked to the gold accountI am guessing there are other are other features I am unable to use that I just have not found yet
Could this be because my profile thinks i only have the free account
Thanks in advance for any replies
J -
@john-doyle-0 Your confusion comes from the difference between the map overlays
and the route calculation possibilities coming with the toolkits
Whereas you can use, as a Silver subscriber, all possible map overlays, you'll only be able to have your routes calculated in OSM (OpenStreetMap). Have a look at 2 crosses at the beginning of the 3th section in the screenshot below (mentioning "routeberekening" i.e. "route calculation")
@sudolea said in Silver Subscription:
Whereas you can use, as a Silver subscriber, all possible map overlays,
Thanks for the Reply
Yes I am confused
On the linked page to the features of the silver sub it says access to up to 10 layers including Michelin and google maps but When I look in what I am thinking is the map layers I see Michelin and google maps but all others appear to be locked to Gold sub
@john-doyle-0 Sorry for the extra confusion I added. What I said in my previous post wasn't correct. I messed up the 2 columns related to the Gold and the Silver subscription. Indeed, the Silver account seems to have restrictions in the layers in the screenshot I made in my previous post whereas I actually only correctly mentioned the information related to the toolkits. The information I mentioned related to the map layers in my previous post wasn't correct, looking back at the screenshot I made in my previous post.
However, in the link you send, indeed there is a mismatch between the information there and the information from my screenshot !!!
This seems to be an error from MRA ??? I suggest you contact them, because indeed, this doesn't seem to be correct. Sorry for the confusion I may have added, but indeed, your statement looks correct to me : according to the info in your opening post, you should be allowed using the 10 layers...
Will be fixed asap
@hans-van-de-ven-mra-master said in Silver Subscription:
Is this your account?
I think so If I click on that link it brings me to my profile with the picture of my Bike
Thanks for your reply
John -
@sudolea said in Silver Subscription:
@john-doyle-0 Sorry for the extra confusion I added. What I said in my previous post wasn't correct. I messed up the 2 columns related to the Gold and the Silver subscription. Indeed, the Silver account seems to have restrictions in the layers in the screenshot I made in my previous post whereas I actually only correctly mentioned the information related to the toolkits. The information I mentioned related to the map layers in my previous post wasn't correct, looking back at the screenshot I made in my previous post.
However, in the link you send, indeed there is a mismatch between the information there and the information from my screenshot !!!
This seems to be an error from MRA ??? I suggest you contact them, because indeed, this doesn't seem to be correct. Sorry for the confusion I may have added, but indeed, your statement looks correct to me : according to the info in your opening post, you should be allowed using the 10 layers...
No problem at all
and thanks for your replies
Have a nice weekend
John -
@John-Doyle-0 Your profile page should now display the correct information! Thanks for reporting
Thank you for fixing this