Memory usage of the APP on iOS - big route/track libraries
Hi there,
Using the myRoute app more or less every driving day, I have migrated more and more routes and tracks from my former Garmin ecosystem to myRoute app. I have also started adding several route and POI libraries from magazines, etc. I don’t know how many routes, tracks, and POIs I currently have in my library, but I noticed yesterday when I started my iPhone that the navigation app told me it had reached its memory consumption limit and that it would extend the allowed memory usage—but I needed to restart the app.
That is totally fine for me, but this brought up a question in my mind: How long can it extend its memory usage limits? At what point will I reach a limit where my library can no longer be synchronized between the cloud and my phone?
Does somebody have an answer to these questions?
Thomas -
@TomOnTour I don't have a direct answer to the question of how much memory is available. But I don't quite understand the purpose of synchronizing all my routes with my mobile phone. Routes that I may never need again.
For a longer planned Trip of some days, it is OK. -
@Jörgen Hi Jorgen,
I fully agree. I just player around with the sync feature and now I am just interested how for I can go
@Jörgen said in Memory usage of the APP on iOS - big route/track libraries:
But I don't quite understand the purpose of synchronizing all my routes with my mobile phone.
"Sync ALL routes" is the easiest method of maintaining syncs. It simply syncs ALL routes so you do not have to handle anything about syncing any longer
@TomOnTour said in Memory usage of the APP on iOS - big route/track libraries:
I am just interested how for I can go
Just sync all routes
If it starts to trouble you, you went over some limit
I have about 300 routes synced, and if I remember correctly I saw a rise in used phone storage of about 50MB. Nothing to be worried about. I believe there are users that go well over 1000 routes...
@Con-Hennekens tested it with 3000 routes!
The app will ask for increasing storage access till is has sufficient.It doubles maximum memory every time it asks you, starting at 256MB.