N-625 Riano -Cangas de Onis road divert
Building a circular route in Picos starting and finishing in Potes. Going North from Riano on N-625 to Cangas de Onis I get turned around after 15km. Planner sends me back down towards Riano diverting on to CL-635 Oviedo and rejoining N-625. Is there a road closure on the N-625 anyone is aware of? Or am I having a senior moment?
The road is closed at Puerto del Pontón
This route is in the RouteXpert library. Turn on the traffic overlay map to see the closure.
View 'Picos de Europa Round trip from Potes' in MyRoute-app! https://www.myrouteapp.com/route/open/1557439
@Nick-Carthew Thanks Nick, thought it would be something like that.
@Gregory-b If you turn on Disable Seasonal Closures in the toolkit, this should allow you to continue planning without the annoying loop.