Zumo XT function Question
I planned a route in MRA, Saved it as a Zumo 1.1 file, and when I opened it I got this on the side of the screen. It shows the next major towns along my route.
I really like it, but not sure how I got it this time and to get it again when I want?
Tht's more a Garmin XT issue/question rather than a MRA issue/question.I use a XT and i can tell you it is a setting on your device. Has nothing to do with MRA or the gpx file you loaded.
So I did some digging and you have to be a ROUTE when you ask it to show the upcoming cities/towns..
I tried it and sure enough When I didn't have a route it was grayed out. When I stopped and opened a route and asked for they closest entry point to start. It was available again
That's weird... If i use my XT for just an a to B route, it also does show the sidescreen with information.But... and i think this is the issues with me... i have my XT also linked to my mobile phone using a hotspot. So my XT is connected to the internet through my mobile phone so that my XT can search for relevant info/data.
Maybe that's the difference here between your situation and mine.
@Greenham Normally there is a cross to close this window visible. This seems to fall away due to the green bar at the top. Do you always have that bar? Could it be that you have 2 maps on at the same time in the settings of the Garmin? That also gives all strange problems. You can only have 1 active map at a time from the same region. Yes changing the map settings you always have to restart the XT completely. Hopefully this helps