Just Waypoints with no routes.. possible?
One of the few things I miss from Basecamp is being able to add Waypoints to a map without having a routes joining them together.
Example, I've signed up to a nav challenge where there are about 50 places to visit scattered all over the UK, I'd like to add all of these places to a map and then work out the best way to route between them all using it as a visualtion tool.
I don't think this can be done but thought I'd ask anyway.
I have considered adding them as POI's but POI's only appear when at a low level zoom, I want to see then regardless of zoom level. -
@Rob-Kelley, Me too thinks POI is the way for this. It would indeed be handy to be able to have a toggle to switch POI to "always on", or make them permanent and independable of zoom factor. Especially for smaller collections that could be helpful.
I would love to have this one!
Ideally, a switch/toggle/checkbox separate for each own POI library. Like the existing ones for show/hide "in this route" and "in all routes."