Distance to next fuel station
I checked out the latest Navigation update - always hoping that there is the OPTION (note - I said an option only, not by default, for those that don't want it) to display on the main navigation screen, the distance to (at least) the next two fuel stations along the route. I mean - how hard can it be? There is mass of screen space available.
This year we had 9 riders on tour to Spain - ranging from a Ducati Streetfighter (range 90 miles), to a BMW F900XR (range 220 miles).
I don't plot the location of the fuel stations on the route as we split up into different riding groups each day.
When a rider says he needs fuel, I'm not going to stop at the side of the road with 6 others to locate next one. -
@Chris-Hall i also miss that. TomTomGo has that option..
@Adrian-Avram And Sygic too
Maybe a good solution would be to add a special screen with list of next few stations after clicking the next station icon? Adding a waypoint would require two clicks (or a long press) instead of one but it would give more information to the rider.
@Stanisław Thanks for the suggestion.
I would prefer not to tap anything. My TomTom Rider shows the distance to the next two fuel stations on the side-bar which is always visible. MRA Next screen has masses of unused screen real estate that isn't used. I'd prefer it to show the next three as there are often two close together. -
@Chris-Hall said in Distance to next fuel station:
...hoping that there is the OPTION ... to display on the main navigation screen, the distance to ... the next ... fuel station along the route...
Sorry, I don't understand your need really - so may I'm wrong.
But If you want to see next fuel station alongside your route, while navigating:-
it appears currently on main screen while navigating automatically - if you are close enough to (see black icon at left side of navigating screer):
on/near your displayed route, you can see also a orange icon of fuel stations. But this will be displayed only, if you activate it in settings (three dots icon, at right side down in main screen):
To change this setting, tap on 3-dots-icon (this will open the settings page):
select "functional"...
and in next screen, activate "search for fuel stations along route":
Good luck
@Chris-Hall said in Distance to next fuel station:
When a rider says he needs fuel, I'm not going to stop at the side of the road with 6 others to locate next one.
In my opinion there is no need to do that. Just fill up, unless you know for sure you can go as far as the ones filling up now. No one should need to refuel earlier than the ones filling up right now (usually the ones with the shortest range).
@Stanisław said in Distance to next fuel station:
Maybe a good solution would be to add a special screen with list of next few stations after clicking the next station icon? Adding a waypoint would require two clicks (or a long press) instead of one but it would give more information to the rider.
That is not a bad idea at all. It is just important to know that every calculation takes time. It will probably not be "instant" information.
@Chris-Hall said in Distance to next fuel station:
MRA Next screen has masses of unused screen real estate that isn't used.
I disagree. MRA is not limited to tablets. It must work on regular phones too.
@Guzzist said in Distance to next fuel station:
But If you want to see next fuel station alongside your route, while navigating:
This in not about the "first" fuel station but about the "next" one (or the second one on the route). People tend to make decisions about "will we take this one", or "we have enough fuel to skip this one and take the next".
@Guzzist to make a "to tank or not to tank" decision it would be good have distance to more than one station displayed. As there is not too much free place in the main screen, I proposed a separate window for it.
@ Con Hennekens
Yes, it would have to be calculated on the flow, after clicking the icon. A few seconds shouldn't be a problem. -
@Stanisław ok, understood now - and agreed. A solution like "tap on black fuel icon" to get a list of nexts fuel stations in route direction (inc. distance calculation) would be appreciated.
Currently, it could be estimated on screen by zooming out/pan the map - then you can see more of the orange icons of fuel stations. But I understand, this is time consuming and only raw estimation.
Außerdem wäre es schön, wenn es auch in AA zu sehen wäre.