Updated beta! 4.3.4 (360)
Hi all!
Day one into the beta of 4.3.4!
Already received quite some feedback and a new update is already coming your wayImprovements are:
- Ensure traffic icons are preferred to be shown when other icons overlap
- Trigger traffic alert slightly closer to the incident
- Improve textual descriptions of traffic alerts
- Fix some issues regarding showing traffic alerts al all
- Fix issue where driving a route as track, it would unexpectedly start at the end
- Hide search icon in CarPlay / Android Auto when navigating a track as this should not be possible
- Better scaling of icons in Android Auto
@Dave-J-0 Thanks for all your findings in the original post.
@Corjan-Meijerink My pleasure. You are doing a brilliant job with this app.
@Corjan-Meijerink Now also available in Android Play store!
Maar . . . moet het niet zijn 4.3.4 (369) ? -
360 should be 370!
369 is available for Android since a few hours.
370 is coming your way (already there for iOS) -
@Corjan-Meijerink This is strange. The number of track errors is surprising given that the track produced is taken from the route. This is the same across a number of routes that I have asked to navigate as a track and was the same in the 369 version from yesterday.
‘Check Navigation track for errors’ was selected:
Navigate as a track - how many errors:
The route if not selected to navigate as track which is exactly the same:
I have checked each of the error points and they appear to be on the road correctly and so I do not know why the error.
@Dave-J-0 sharp! I had the setting turned off and never checked
Will be fixed!
Thanks for contributing again!
Could it be due to the exclusion of a highway that is now to be driven from the lane...
Allow highway then it might be okay ..
@Hubert-Thoring no, it’s just something I forgot to do
Now update Beta 4.3.4 (370) is also available in the Play Store! -
@Corjan-Meijerink The pop up and stop navigation on CarPlay works as stated although when I subsequently revert to phone on CarPlay disconnect, there is also a prompt to stop/continue navigation on the phone. Is this meant to be like this?
As mentioned in the 369 beta thread, pop up prompts on CarPlay could do with being a longer duration. Great if this could be configurable for the user but I could do with at least another 5-10 secs. The current duration does not allow for interaction if I am busy controlling the vehicle.bike at the time.
Traffic information and dynamic nav working great for me so far although I need to do some longer rides/drives. Really loving these changes.
@Dave-J-0 Happy you love the changes
Durations will be lengthened indeed.
A new version will be coming Monday!Could you share a screenshot of the prompt you described?
@Corjan-Meijerink I have tried some A to B testing and the prompt does not appear on the phone but I will test a route tomorrow (hopefully). I will get back to you with what happens. Previously it has a happened a few times with 369/370 versions but I will need to try and recreate the sequence etc.
Wish I had grabbed a screenshot at the time - doh.
Updated beta! 4.3.4 (360) ? Shouldn't that be 370?
There is a little problem with waypoint announcement in German. I am not sure if this has something to do with translation, or giving the wrong command for that word.
@Corjan-Meijerink the question is, can you understand the issue?
I can not describe this in English.
At the start of a route with waypoints, it says: "Wegpunkt ein" instead of "Wegpunkt eins"
"Ein" means "on" or "a" in English. -
@Jörgen I can’t help you with the translation but I can tell you that Corjan acknowledged that it should be 370
I made a short test (20 km) in a car, on iphone 15. Everything went correctly, messages about traffic jams, accidents, good work! The only strange thing - I used track based navigation with one waypoint in the middle. On the way I skipped this waypoint and the route has been recalculated. I went along the original track including the skipped waypoint (it was skipped only for testing purpose) but the final part of the route, a few km after the skipped waypoint, has been changed, maybe because changed traffic conditions. Is it normal? I thought MRA would lead me along the track as much as possible.
@Stanisław for short routes something was not working as intended! Might already be fixed in 372
AB navigation is never track navigation but if you indeed used a route (and drove it as track), the track should not be affected.
@Corjan-Meijerink Thank you, I will test it on some longer distance, when possible.