@Con-Hennekens Adding extra shape points I think has side effects. Time and distance to next point will (for a short while) not be relevant as the extra artificial point does not represent a possible stop.
Both Kurviger and Beeline take you to the next point if you skip a point and are back on the route to the next point. These apps are also made for (motor) cyclists.
Skip waypoint truely automatic.
Hi , I am a (dutch) express bus driver in Norway and looking to see if I can use the app. Besides all the basics (navigation, speed camera warnings, etc), the app gives me the distance and time to the next waypoint (bus stop). Great functionality which I sometimes need in my work.
Passengers book tickets online and therefore we only stop in places where we have sold tickets. So each stop (can be off the main road) is optional and I think must be a shaping point (not a via point).However I ran into a problem which I have not been able to solve.
The app guides me to each point which I decide not to visit for "a long time". This leads to too many navigation instructions or manual skipping.
I would like the app to behave like this: guide me to the next point, recalculate if needed but as soon as I am back on the planned route guide me to the next point. Zero clicking while driving. The app Kurviger works that way.
Can this be done?
@Herman-Veldhuizen, That's currently indeed not how it works. I think it is very difficult to get this right, especially when you consider that routes may have loops in them. What might help you is adding extra shaping points in your route (you can give the stops a special color to make them recognizable as stops. The app's skipping algorithm checks the closest waypoint as the skip target. It will make suggest less turnarounds this way. Nevertheless, I think your specific use is a bit contradictory to the targeted audience of scenic route riders.
@Con-Hennekens Adding extra shape points I think has side effects. Time and distance to next point will (for a short while) not be relevant as the extra artificial point does not represent a possible stop.
Both Kurviger and Beeline take you to the next point if you skip a point and are back on the route to the next point. These apps are also made for (motor) cyclists. -
@Herman-Veldhuizen said in Skip waypoint truely automatic.:
skip a point and are back on the route to the next point
Maybe @Corjan-Meijerink can share some insight on this subject?
@Con-Hennekens Maybe one way to solve it (by the app) is to make the number of recalculations configurable. For me they would be 0 or 1. Maybe the app needs to make a distinction between how it skips shape points and how it skips via points.
@Herman-Veldhuizen, via points do not auto-skip (at all)
@Con-Hennekens I know but I am questioning wether this should always be the case. If the behaviour is configurable then it can be as it is today but be changed by the user. This would allow shape points to be just points to shape the route with no side effects on for example what gets displayed (time to next stop, zooming). And possible stops can then be via points.
- about a month later
@Herman-Veldhuizen @Con-Hennekens @Corjan-Meijerink. The latest app update looks very promising. I used navigation as tracks, no automatic recalculation. My route (set of possible stops) is now finally a set of via points (such that the app shows me the time/distance to the next possible stop) and it doesn't recalculate, just as I wanted.
Driving a bus is maybe not so much different as driving a scenic route with a motorbike. Both go after a set of possible stops. The app has lots of potential. Thanks and keep up the good work.