Voice instructions languages
Hi, it seems, that if I select navigation voice instructions in Slovenian language, what I really get is instructions in Dutch language? Even menu where you select languages of voice instructions is not translated in English. What am I doing wrong? Thanks for help
@Matjaz-Valjavec I'm not sure if you're using iOS or Android. On an iPhone, I can simulate that if the native language of the phone is set differently from the language of the app.
@Rob-Verhoeff Thanks for you answer... I have Android, Galaxy S24
@Matjaz-Valjavec I suspect that the in-app language is set to Dutch. Since Slovenian is not a language the app can handle, you will need to set the app's language to English. The language on your phone should then be a Slovenian variant. Perhaps you can also select a different voice in the Android settings? Try experimenting with that.
If that doesnβt work, maybe an Android expert has a solution for you.
I was dealing with the same issue some time ago.
For some reason, the Android version of MRA shows a lot of languages you can choose from, apparently from the OS, but the app only supports a subset of those.I set mine to American English, causing road names in my country to be pronounced completely rubbish. Maybe I should experiment with British or Australian English.
Matjaz, I suggest you do similar experiments.
We do not support all languages - something I wish to add soon!