Geocaching and MRA -
We, that is my wife and I, like Geocaching a lot. Is there an easy way to combine the features of MRA (app) with Geocaching?
Curious to your comments
@Rik-Konincks, yes, you can import your pocket queries as POI
Since some update you can set that POI file as fixed to be shown. I used this feature walking the Müllerthal Trail.
@Rik-Konincks why not using the Geocaching app? But you are right, nice option, but I found MRA not useable for walking and navigating. MRA is not taking the shortest route and not recalculating if you are taking a different route. At least a few weeks (month) ago when I last used it for walking.
Handige optie; dit wist ik nog niet. Maar kun je ook "losse" geocaches opnemen? -
@white-mouse-on-the-motorbike said in Geocaching and MRA -:
Handige optie; dit wist ik nog niet. Maar kun je ook "losse" geocaches opnemen?
I never tried that, but single caches are also saved as a GPX. I think that contains the same information as a pocket query, and so you can probably also import it as a POI. It is not very handy loading many single caches this way. But MRA, of course, is not a geocache app.
@Cookie-On-Tour said in Geocaching and MRA -:
why not using the Geocaching app?
I use C:Geo extensively, and use it (sometimes) together with the MRA app. Not to navigate to caches though, but the other way around. This summer we held vacation in the Luxemburg Müllerthal. I made a PQ of al Traditionals around our location, and downloaded the daily Müllerthal trail tracks. If you enable the POI category, you can easily see which caches are in sensible distance of the trail, and decide to go find them or not.
@Con-Hennekens Thanks for the tip!
I found out (stupid me...) that Geocaching has an option to set a route from a to be and let you create a PQ along that route. The PPX file I then can upload to MRA, but also to Google Maps. And at that point, the combination with Android Auto is complete!
First try: Out upcoming trip to Hessen, Germany in 2 weeks !
@Rik-Konincks, Good find, have fun!
@Rik-Konincks welcome to Duitsland and enjoy and many happy Geocache findings.