Hi, it would be useful if I can add altitude to navigation display (and in CarPlay display). Thanks
Davide, may possible in MRA, but impossible in CP and AA. Both have strong limition ragard to visible infos.
For such info you better use a Garmin nav. There you have always 5 of 13 selectable infos you can display at once. -
@Jörgen Access Denied
You seem to have stumbled upon a page that you do not have access to. -
@Rob-Veerman Sorry this was in the Beta area.
Here the text.
Hi, just found an App to Display the hight where you are. Adjustable in size, color, position etc. and displayed where you want.
The App is called Maps Altimeter. -
@Rob-Verhoeff Android
I don´t think it is by country limited.
@Rob-Verhoeff This app is only for Android, IOs doesn't allow the floating icon.
Oh, sorry did not get this. Yes only Android.
@Jörgen Then again, that's clear and I was misled by your own footer in which I only have eyes for the iPhone
@Jörgen A bit late, but thanks. Being an iPhone-user, that app is not for me, but good to know something like that is available.
Very useful - thanks for sharing! -
Wow, too bad this is not possible within iOS. Hopefully the feature can be built into the app in the future