Crazy routes when using Here maps because of disconnections in roads
I have just purchased a new motorbike and I am preparing some winding routes for the running-in. To my surprise, I am finding a lot of "disconnections" in roads which forces the Here navigation engine to design INSANE deviations. I had experienced this problem in the past, but this time I am completely shocked to find that:
a) I am experiencing such disconnection in 3 out 3 of the routes I have planned.
b) In the most extreme example, there is a detour of almost 100 km.
The problem is exclusive of Here maps, as the routes are planned as expected with the TomTom engine.
Here you have the links to the routes shown in the screenshots below:
I personally use two strategies when I find this problem:
a) Mark the point where the disconnection begins as a mandatory stop, so that I know that I need to stop navigating because "something is going on". I then ignore the navigation directions along the faulty connection, which usually means just some metres, and then go on as planned.
b) Create separate routes for each of the sections where disconnection begins and ends.
I find both strategies quite annoying; but better that than riding dozens of extra miles.
I am aware that this is not a MRA problem, but Here's. However, because MRA chose Here as the navigation engine and maps I feel that some kind of tool needs to be developed within MRA to address this kind of problem, as I consider it is a serious one.
@Ramon-Cutanda-Lopez are You using any restrictions while planning. Do you have trafic information on. Things like that can cause your problem. Since you made the routes with TomTom card did you compare the route in the toolkit with the Here card.
@Ramon-Cutanda-Lopez Could it be you have 'saesonal closings' active on the toolkit? If you plan routes over mountains in early spring, they could well be closed due to snow.
Thank you for your interest, Marinus and Gerard:
No restrictions whatsoever.
No traffic enabled.
- I created the routes using Here maps. However, I switched to TomTom just to take the screenshots so that you could compare the crazy route planned by Here vs the "logical" route that I expected and that TomTom indicates correctly.
Thank you once again.
@Ramon-Cutanda-Lopez in ruta 2 there’s a road closed Between 14 and 17
If You activate the trafic layer it’s quite clear -
@Marinus-van-Deudekom, bingo!
I had problems with two of the routes because the road is officially closed:
That explains why the route breaks after point 14:
And also why I cannot connect waypoints 12 and 13 in my other route:
I still have no explanation, however, to this extrange turn here:
I make the left turn at waypoint 2 once or twice a week. There is absolutely no problem whatsoever there.
I had never used the traffic layer before, as I plan my routes days —sometimes weeks— ahead of my trips, so I thought that info would not be useful. I now know it is! Thank you for your tip, Marinus.
@MTC-Zeilberg Thank you for the tip. However, even if I place the waypoint as precisely as possible, Here still plans a wrong turn.
After checking the official detour, it turns out that one section of the road marked as blocked by Here is ACTUALLY NOT BLOCKED and I need to use it to access one of the officials detours. Is there any way to force the planner to ignore blocked sections?
Thank you once again.
Welcome to the stange world of navigation.What can i tell you to help you?
Here and TomTom are two different producers of maps. Both are making good maps but they are not exactly equal.
When ypou encounter difference in making routes between the two maps and you cannot solved these difference by placing some extra routepoints. Search for the location where the diffuculties are. When you found it. Try to avoid this location on both maps.
My experience in real-life. If something like this happens the situation on the road is mostly also (a bit) odd.When planning with TomTom map. The traffic info of TomTom is not used. Basicly you can easily make a route over a stretch of road which is closed.
But in Here it is a different. Even when traffic info is not shown. The Here map uses the traffic when making a route. This can confuse people.
This can result in your question