Sort order
When you combine routes and click the "add" button, the list of routes to choose from are not in alphabetical order.
Hope you can help. -
Peter, look at the attached, the sort order problem is when you are adding another route to your existing route.
John -
@john-1q refresh the page will help
@Peter-Schiefer and @Marinus-van-Deudekom, guys, do you even try the advice you give for yourself?
@john-1q, you are right, the sorting is on the date, newest on top. There is no column header to click, and why the sorting would change after a page reload is beyond me...
@Con-Hennekens my bad. I didn'tlook close enough so I thought it was the list of the routes itself where you can choose a collum.
@Marinus-van-Deudekom, that's an easy mistake indeed
it is irritating, hope putting a sort option is on a to do list somewhere
@Tony-13, it's inconvenient, it get's irritating if you have no folders to structure your routes. Devs are reading along, so let's hope for the best
Some adjustments will be made