Skipping waypoints with no cell service.
Very new user here. I was following a route I created. Let the app navigate for me to the route start. Because of the way it routed me I tried to skip way point one and just go to way point 2 because it kept me from back tracking. I was out of cell range and have all the offline maps downloaded into my TripeTek tablet. It wouldn't let me skip the start until I was well on my way and finally rode back into cell reception. Is this normal or an issue?
@PatsAdventures-Travels, the app will normally have no problem with no cell reception if all needed maps are stored offline. However if you have not enabled "Offline navigation" in the settings, it will attempt an online route calculation before switching to temporary offline usage.
@Con-Hennekens Thanks. I did have off line enabled. I would see it post messages on the screen when I would go in and out of cell reception. Maybe it was just a temporary issue with the software??
@PatsAdventures-Travels, I doubt it, to be honest. If you had Offline enabled, there would be no messages about going offline/online. Except maybe when it needs online reception because of no local maps available
@Con-Hennekens Interesting. I have the entire US downloaded. Do I need that all at all times? No, but I do travel the US a lot and have the space so why not. lol Hopefully it was a one time thing. Thanks a bunch!!
@PatsAdventuresTravels, Let's hope so!