Issues, system automatically skipping waypoints and therefore changing the whole route
@Thomas-Scharrer said in Issues, system automatically skipping waypoints and therefore changing the whole route:
If you think this is how it is supposed to be
If these are the distances at play, no that is surely not how it should work. See my post above as response to @Peter-Schiefer.
@Peter-Schiefer said in Issues, system automatically skipping waypoints and therefore changing the whole route:
Since MRA only takes route closures into account in the initial calculation or already in the planning stage, if stored in HERE, automatic skipping should not exist at all. What are the rules or reasons for this?
This is a curious question. Closures are taken into account in each and every calculation, whether in the planning state or during navigation. Except when "disable seasonal closures" is enabled in planning, or "traffic aware route calculation" is disabled in the app's navigation settings. Disabling seasonal closures in the planner has no effect whatsoever during calculations while navigating. Besides, all this, closures can change in the time between planning and navigating.
Also, many times auto-skip is not triggered by closures, but by taking wrong turns, or avoiding heavy traffic for example. So yeah automatic skipping should definitely exist...
@Peter-Schiefer said in Issues, system automatically skipping waypoints and therefore changing the whole route:
up to now MRA says we have no Live Traffic or TMC connection and cannot react to traffic change during the route.
Are I am wrong?The app DOES have live traffic data, but it is not being used to update your route continuously, or give out suggestions for more time-optimal changes while navigating. This is something that is on the list, but given the use case for scenic multi-waypoint routes (which is the main reason for founding at all) not a high priority yet.
However, the live traffic data (no TMC but internet) IS being used for route calculations. Also while in online mode during navigating you can see by the color of the road the delay on your route.
Last week I sent a note confirmed by other members too that MRA wants to route you back to the original route even when ther is a real better option present and this without additional waypoints only from A detected by GPS to B my home.
in A2B routes there is not such a thing as being routed back to the route. You are being directed to the next waypoint, and in an A2B route that happens to be the final destination. If you think that after a recalculation the suggested route is not logical, you and the algorithm disagree about what's logical
That happens for me in Google maps also very often, probably because I am more stubborn that it
On the other hand MRA seems to skip waypoint far ahead if you only deviate by entering a filling station.
As mentioned earlier, big steps are taken in the upcoming public release.
@Con-Hennekens said in Issues, system automatically skipping waypoints and therefore changing the whole route:
The app DOES have live traffic data, but it is not being used to update your route continuously, or give out suggestions for more time-optimal changes while navigating.
This, right here, is the first time I've seen it it makes sense. I believe that the belief was that it would do this, as do other services such as Google or Apple Maps.
Thanks for pointing that out.
@Corjan-Meijerink I see now that 4.1.3 is in my Iphone 14 Pro Max. Will make some test rides Wed 15 and Thurs 16 and reply back with my experiences after that!
@Corjan-Meijerink said in Issues, system automatically skipping waypoints and therefore changing the whole route:
@Jörgen-Johansson You never need to skip one by one
Simply long press the waypoint on either the map or in the waypoint list to resume from there.If autoskip shows weird behavior, just turn it off.
4.1.3 will include significant improvements. Release will be early next week.Well, I have now tested the new update and I can notice an improvement in how the system treats the via-/waypoints in a better way. Good Job!
I'm now planning a 700 km route for coming Tuesday, will reply back again after that.I have also learned now that when being in a very busy area it is better to have the settings to not skip waypoints automatically.
It is still not possible to skip waypoints in Apple CarPlay. I have therefore set the setting to automatic skipping. If you leave the planned route, e.g. because of roadworks or you simply want to avoid traffic and take a different route, MRA keeps sending you back to the old route. Today I was supposed to drive 40km back to the old waypoint even though I was 5km from my destination. The only thing that helps is to stop, cancel the route and plan a new route.
I tested the update today, the route points can now be skipped manually in Apple Carplay, so far it has worked without any errors. Automatically skipping waypoints also works better now. Good job
@Con-Hennekens @Corjan-Meijerink
I have now tested the new version 4.1.3 thoroughly on a several days MC tour in the Norwegian mountains and I have to say that this was the first tour where I could actually use MRA because it didnt create a complete navigation mess.
I had created my route in advance and the automatically skipping of waypoints is working much better now.
So this was an extreme improvement and all in all I would say MRA worked 95% well on this tour.
There are however still some small issues:
- A couple of times MRA insisted on re-directing me from my planned route due to some roadworks etc. I didnt follow this suggestion and continued on my route as I had planned it. MRA tried for a long time to redirect me and I got lots of crazy commands in this period.
It turned out that my planned route was not blocked and there were no road works or road blocks.
So my question is, if you have planned a route specifically as you want to drive it, shouldnt MRA in the first place try to follow this route because thats the idea when planning a route and not just asking for navigation from A to B?
Anyway thanks a lot for this update because now I can finally really use MRA!
- A couple of times MRA insisted on re-directing me from my planned route due to some roadworks etc. I didnt follow this suggestion and continued on my route as I had planned it. MRA tried for a long time to redirect me and I got lots of crazy commands in this period.
@Thomas-Scharrer said in Issues, system automatically skipping waypoints and therefore changing the whole route:
if you have planned a route specifically as you want to drive it, shouldnt MRA in the first place try to follow this route because thats the idea when planning a route
Yes this is a valid point
But it is a VERY thin line between skipping too quickly moving forward on your route to soon, and getting senselessly send back into the route. It will always be a trade-off.
@Jörgen-Johansson After close to 1000 km with the 4.1.3 version I would say the problem is solved!
It's not perfect (our world isn't)but it works maybe 8 out of 10 with the setting "automatically skip waypoints - ON". In my opinion the OFF setting is the best when the planned route is really important since the passed via-/waypoints are all automatically skipped anyway. So, you're fully in control if you leave the route and later want to pick up where you left.So, problem solved, thanks!
@Jörgen-Johansson, That's of course true, but I would like to stress that you are as much fully in control with the auto-skipp setting enabled as well. The function does not limit control by manual intervention in any way.
@Con-Hennekens Hi! I have (still after the update) experienced issues in two occasions when the app skips several shaping/via/waypoints when leaving the route for an unplanned newly discovered coffee shop. Hence my comment on the manual setting.
@Jörgen-Johansson said in Issues, system automatically skipping waypoints and therefore changing the whole route:
experienced issues in two occasions when the app skips several shaping/via/waypoints when leaving the route
Are you sure about the via points? They are never skipped automatically!
@Jörgen-Johansson, I understand that, and I am not saying auto-skip is always perfect. But everything you can do to manually skip when the auto-skip is disabled, you can also do with the auto-skip enabled
The most important thing to do if you deviated for an unplanned newly discovered coffee shop (
) is to set the navigation to the next most logical waypoint into the route. That goes for both auto-skip enabled or disabled.
@Con-Hennekens I agree, autoskip seems quite good now. I was out for a full day's ride yesterday. I decided to change my route part way through. I skipped a few waypoints to stop the app trying to send me back. The app decided I needed to skip one more which it did automatically. It was right. MyRoute-app worked perfectly all day.
@Con-Hennekens @Jörgen-Johansson said in Issues, system automatically skipping waypoints and therefore changing the whole route:
@Jörgen-Johansson After close to 1000 km with the 4.1.3 version I would say the problem is solved!
It's not perfect (our world isn't)but it works maybe 8 out of 10 with the setting "automatically skip waypoints - ON". In my opinion the OFF setting is the best when the planned route is really important since the passed via-/waypoints are all automatically skipped anyway. So, you're fully in control if you leave the route and later want to pick up where you left.So, problem solved, thanks!
You are saying that with "automatically skip waypoints - OFF", passed via-/waypoints are all automatically skipped anyway.
The I just want to ask what the technical difference is between having the waypoint function ON or OFF? How will it change the behavior of the app? -
@Thomas-Scharrer First, I am just a user, not the programmer so my reply comes just from my own experience.
When "off"Next skips shaping-/via-/waypoints (whatever you want to call them) if you physically pass them on your route.
However not if you e.g. take a parallell road to the planned route or take a side trip to a coffeeshop, gasstation or such. If set to "on" I have experienced even after the GOOD update that Next may skip some waypoints and by that not taking you to the point where you previous left the route.
Again, my experience only. -
@Thomas-Scharrer, yes of course. If you "hit" a waypoint you will always proceed to the next one. What auto-skipping does is skip a waypoint if you cannot "hit" it due to roadblocks, deviations or whatever reason.
@Con-Hennekens @Jörgen-Johansson
Thanks for the information, I know you are a user and your input was very valuable on this thread.
so if auto skipping of OFF and you can for some reason not hit a waypoint, MRA will always try to navigate you back to the missed waypoint?