9 Apr 2024, 17:37

@M-Schrijver, Waypoints are needed for a multitude of reasons. I think it makes no sense needing to explain that on a routeplanner forum 😉 Riding a track simply is no real navigation if you ask me.

In my opinion it would be a very good idea that Garmin users are gonna use TomTom Go or TomTom Rider for at least a year

I am not turning one disaster into another, thank you. Mind you, this is coming from a former Garmin adept.

Garmin and TomTom are two differents worlds.

Oh, I know, believe me. There is a third world however. It's called MyRoute-app Navigation Next 😉 I most certainly do NOT need to get used to TomTom, neither Garmin. The latter of which I think I quit had the hang of, until Navigation (Previous) obsoleted it.

Listen I don't want to take this discussion any further than this. MyRoute-app has enormous benefits for all types of navigation. Let's keep it at that.