Making adding a POI to a route easier
Would it be possible to add a third option when you add a waypoint.
Option 1 - Via point
Option 2 - Shaping point
Option 3 - POI
If Option 3 is selected then the waypoint becomes independent of the route and the waypoint symbols can be added to it.I don't know if it would be possible but it would be a lot easier than the current faff to add a POI.
I would also like the option to make all waypoints be Via points by default.
@Robert-Jeffries, I like your suggestion on adding POI but
I would also like the option to make all waypoints be Via points by default.
Why would you want to do this?
- If you don't like auto-skipping just disable that in settings
- if you want all WPs to be announced just enable that in settings
- What is so special about VIA points that you would all WPs to be viapoints?