Problems with AndroidAuto
I have just purchased a Carpuride 5 inch display for my bike to enable me to use MyRoute-app via android auto.
I have been trying it in my car for the last few days. Waze works fine, Google maps works fine. My route App doesn't work. When I select MyRoute-App, sometimes i get android auto has encounted an error and I get the option to close or wait, or I get an unexpected error. Occasionally I get a white screen with the triangle cursor and HERE in the corner as though it is trying to load but the map never appears. Is this something that the team is aware of and are trying to fix?Thanks Scott
@scott-vallance-0 we are working very hard on improving Android Auto!
The new version has gone into beta testing yesterday and results seems great! Keep an eye open for a public update next week! -
@Corjan-Meijerink That's great, thanks for the quick response.
Guy, I'm experiencing the same issues as above on the latest version, 4.1.0, released March 15th, on myroute-app, using it on my s24 Ultra Andriod phone. I, too, bought Carpuride 7inch for my motorcycle. My other Nav apps work like ( Osmand Plus). Can someone please look into this?
@Stanley-2 I think that you have to start your route on the phone before opening it on Android Auto. I have a Honda Africa Twin with AA and this is how I have to do it and its a bit of a faff as I put my phone in a waterproof bar bag. I use a Motorola G7 or G8.
In OSMand+ you can open the app in AA on the screen and select a pre-designed route in favourites. Both apps work better natively on the phone compared to AA. By in large I use my Zumo XT which is less of an issue than using a phone for navigation.
Thanks for your reply; I currently have a Zumo XT (Also the 590LM and 595 LM), and I'm having issues with it. Once I build out a route in basecamp, which some range from 400-600 mile day routes, and load it into my XT or the other Zumo's, the route isn't the same in some parts of the route, which has been an issue for the last couple of years since moving away from my original Zumo 550 with Mapsource. All the new stuff has let me down, which is why I signed up for MRA & myroute-app Gold lifetime. A friend of mine has OsmAnd Plus on his phone and has been using it with Kurviger for years. But, after doing my research, I decided to go with MRA cause you can build routes in a Google map look (which I love). I would love to use all one product I bought with my new 7-inch Carpuride (which OsmAnd + works today) with myroute-app.
I also tried loading the route in myroute-app before connecting to Andriod Auto, but it has trouble even loading the route or a search address to route via the search field in myroute-app ( which I tried on two phones, S24 Note ultra and S20 Ultra Note). I'm hoping the amazing folks at MRA/myroute-app will work this out.
@Stanley-2 I too am a long term garmin user since my 2004 Streetpilot 2610!! I regularly use a Zumo 340 390 on my 22 year old r1150gs and an XT with my Africa twin. The XT drove me nuts for a while but starting the route on the unit then saving current route cures most of its foibles
I like the Route planner and had a succesful trip to northern Spain last year using it on an ipad and transfering routes to the XT using Garmin Drive. Saved me carrying a laptop to use Basecamp (which I like). The MRA nav app is getting better (the latest iteration does not seem to cook your phone) But for AA OSMand is a bit further along at the moment (in my view) that said using it is a bit of a learing curve and the route planning aspect of it is fiddly. For point to point navigation google maps is great and by pressing the AA mic button you can navigate by voice through a bluetooth headset.