Not trusting everything Cloud Based :-)
Hello. In the meantime, I have mapped my entire motorcycle life and future routes in MRA. How secure is the data and will there be a possibility of local backup in the future?
Thanks Kudee -
@Kudee Totally understand your question.
So generally speaking, you can create a local backup by downloading files as GPX. Completely downloading all your data in bulk is not something we will offer in the near future.
Regarding security, your data is as secure as can be.
Biggest risk is you having a bad password or remaining logged in on a public device.Biggest benefit regarding your security, is that it's not personalised. If you use your real name and real email, that's really all that's personal. If you start / end your tracklogs / routes in the living room, people might discover where you live. If you then use your real name as username, that's on you
So yeah, TLDR;
- Data is safe
- Personal security is on you
- Obscuring information is on you
Besides that we are obvisously GDPR compliant.
I have thought of this before, about the start/finish address. You should indeed be mindful of this.Strava (cycling app) has a solution for this: privacy zone, explained here: is a Strava Privacy,hidden to everyone but you.Would be nice addition
@Rolf-Aalders thanks for sharing!
As a service provider, you can do your very best to protect the data as best as possible. But that data is stored somewhere. And as TS indicates, you should not immediately trust that your data there (Cloud Based) is also safe.
There are many providers of cloud services. The most common ones are from Microsoft (Azure) and Amazon (AWS). But Uncle Ali also offers cloud services.
An additional factor for security is the location of the data center where the cloud data is stored. Stricter requirements apply in Europe than in the US, for example. I can't imagine how Ali would deal with this.
I have good reasons to believe that data security is okay with Azure and AWS (MyRoute?).
But the factor is added by the service provider. @Corjan-Meijerink already gave a clear answer to that.
But the greatest risk factor is always posed by the user self.