Dropping Way Points on 2021 Honda Goldwing
I've been using MRA for a few years now. I was an early adopter on the Gold Plan. I plan a lot of rides across the USA. In May, my GPS started losing way points on routes... like all but the beginning and end. Later, Honda came out with a system update that I though would fix it if it is on their side. Nope. Same problem. I have a five-day ride coming up and it's still dropping points. I have my beginning route with only 6 points... it's the easiest. If drops all but the start and second point. My other 6 routes also fail. I have done save formats in Garmin 1.0, 1.1 Route/Track/POI, Garmin 1.0 Route/Track/POI. I have used these format successfully many time before May, but they all fail completely now. I have not tried ITN or others yet. I used ITN before MRA came out, but not on this bike, obviously.
What are other Honda Goldwing 2018 and later riders using for multi-point routes? Are you having any problems?
@Lee-Keller, with a program like "Viking GPS data editor and analyzer" you can check the waypoints in your GPX file. I cannot imagine MRA not to export all WPs. It's mor plausibel that something goes wrong at importing it to your navigation device. Is that embedded in the Goldwing?