App issue resolved and Android Auto observations
A few weeks ago, I posted an issue I was having with the then recently updated 4.0.4 see here. Well, I found the issue as I spent the better part of two weeks trying to figure out why MRA Next no longer worked for me no matter what I did. The problem, the DuckDuckGo App Tracking Protection. I have the DuckDuckGo mobile browser installed on my phone even though I hardly use it. For more than a year I had the App Tracking Protection feature enabled in the settings. As soon as I disabled that everything worked fine. So if you are experiencing issues and have this set up like I did just turn it off.
Next, Android Auto – I know there is still work to be done on Android Auto but I think I figured out why it would always freeze when I was using AA. My setup is a Google Pixel 7, 2021 Honda Goldwing and I am using the Motorola AA wireless dongle. All technology has the latest updates available.
When I would connect to AA, navigation would start and work for a little while, 5-10 minutes before the screen would freeze but I would continue to get turn-by-turn directions. This happened today when I went for a solo ride to do more MRA testing. A long while after my screen froze, about an hour, I switched apps through AA to play some music. When I went back to MRA the map updated with my position and was no longer frozen. What changed? I had put MRA into the single window mode on AA. You see, AA defaults to the multi-window screen feature they call CoolWalk and it appears when in CoolWalk mode MRA will freeze. For the hour and a half I had it in single window mode I had no issues and it worked great and updated without issue.
The only other issue I noticed was one mentioned here about a week ago where the volume of music being played would increase right after any MRA verbal instructions.
Tom Cat