change road type after starting navigation
why is there no possibility to change the road type after starting the navigation?
@Lisi-Mayr can you give us some more details? What do you mean?
sorry for the less information. I mean these settings
I can choose before starting navigation but I'm not able to change while navigating -
@Lisi-Mayr that has been a deliberate choice
We believe that once you start driving the planned / selected route, there is no real need to change the settings.There have been some similar requests like this but in general I feel no urgent need to change the current behavior.
@Lisi-Mayr, to elaborate on Corjan's reply: Especially on multi WP routes like yours, making different choices in the navigational settings would cause your carefully planned route to be completely messed up. For direct routes I can understand the wish for making changes indeed, but MRA is more or less dedicated to scenic routes along multiple waypoints. The alternative is to restart (not resume) the route, so you can change those parameters indeed.
would still be nice to have this function
you have to open menu - stop navigation - confirm it - close with [x]
click on last route - navigate - swipe settings to top - select or deselect the different types
there are many steps for just the need "I do not want to use motorways from now on" -
I would like to have at least the option to change between highway or prevent highway. I sometimes change my mind when on tour.
@Jörgen, yes, but that is only relevant for AtoB routes, not for carefully planned scenic tours.