No radar signals
Browsing exclusively offline version 4.02
I recently traveled 1200 km in the north west of France, no speed camera was reported to me. Where is the speed camera file in the application because I think there is a problem with that. Is this that it works for someone.
1- MRA crashed several times with black screen or white screen on restart after a shutdown. I had no more background map. To regain normal operation I had to go online and everything was back to normal
2-Does speed camera reporting only work online?
@Calibos we’d need to investigate the crash.
Regarding the camera warnings: we do not have precise details of the camera’s in France as their law requires this. We get the information directly from HERE and dus to that reason, they can’t supply it.
We should get approximate locations but not sure how the app handles those.I just drove quite a bit with the 4.0.3 version and can confirm the warnings work as expected (when available).
1-the crash always occurs when resuming the route after a stop on the road. Sometimes you have to restart from the download file. And lately I no longer had a map displayed, to solve the problem, I had to go online and it worked again. No report is generated or I don't know how to see it
2-for the radar database on my garmin I had a POI file to place at the root of the GPS. I found this on the net. Can't we integrate a radar database by country in the app under form of POI.
this is something that is missing in the appIn France the law prohibits reporting the exact location of speed cameras but the reporting of danger zones is not prohibited.
@Calibos yeah indeed and I do not yet know how our app would indicate these danger zones
We haven’t specifically did anything for this - only for accurate speed camera’s.
the danger zones are known and listed in France in a legal way. It is a file of POIs and in the gps we choose the behavior to have for these poi. visual, sound alert ... both. and suddenly we can update this POI file very simply. These are only GPS positions.
@Calibos said in No radar signals:
I had no more background map.
You are probably referring to the map that gets shown directly after opening the app? That is the OSM map that is used for the free version of the app. It cannot be downloaded offline. It should be cached, but if you move location after losing internet connection, the app will not be able to show that map. That should however not keep you from using the menu, resuming HERE navigation, or start a route from the downloads folder.
I always navigate offline so it's not a problem of connection loss. I make several stops on my route, sometimes it starts again without problem and sometimes no map displayed and impossible to resume navigation. I said, the only way to get back to normal behavior is to restart the navigation from the download folder. and to get back to the display of the osm map, I have to go online and go offline again