29 Aug 2019, 14:03

Hi All,

it’s good to have a forum, although I experience that other forums get abandoned in favor of other social media. I sincerely hope that that won’t happen with the MuRouteApp Forum!

Let me introduce myself : Bert van Nijnatten, living in Breda, Netherlands, married with Yvonne, and working as an IT Architect at a multinational for over a decade, still having fun in the international IT arena.

My user name is Dragbert, named after myself and one of my previous motorbikes, a Yamaha DragStar Classic. I started riding on a Yamaha Virago 535 a long time ago, also owned a Yamaha Midnight Star 950, which was my dreambike, but I’m riding currently a 2015 Suzuki Bandit 650.

Yvonne and myself love riding in Netherlands (home) but we also really like the rides in Luxembourg and wider environment. Rides in the latter are mostly being shared in MRA.

After I got cancer in 2014 we rode the Route66 in the US as my Bucket list item - I got cured! - which was an unforgettible trip!

See Ya on the Road, All! And keep the rubber on the tarmac!