App navigator iOS: can not calculate route message
I renewed the app Navigator in my iPhone, from long time, because I would use it instead of an extra Navi on my bike.
Any created routes I open with Navigator, I receive the “can not calculate route” error.
Routes are valid, I used them converting to gpx in my garmin.
Why happen this? -
Hi @cristiano-repetti. The only things that springs to mind are that you might, perhaps, be using offline mode but haven’t installed the necessary offline maps, or not those covering the appropriate region or, failing that, is mobile data switched on for your device, and switched on specifically for the MRA apps?
@pad-0 checked all, nothing about your suggestions.
Even if I try to edit routes, touching “route planning” on the app, I can choose one of the routes created with myroute BUT the route is non visible on the map, no waypoints no track nothing….. -
@cristiano-repetti I stopped using Navigation over the last few months and deleted the app because I found it unreliable, unpredictable and temperamental! However, out of interest, I just reinstalled on iPhone and iPad to check whether your issues were repeated on my devices. The outcome, at least as far as your issues go, is that everything seems to be working ok here, online and offline.
Hopefully, someone else might be able to offer some suggestions or a solution shortly.
Like @PAD-0, I can't reproduce it either.
Can you show a screenshot of the error message? -
And, just for completeness, a link to a route you’ve had this issue with.
Incidentally, my comment regarding deleting Navigation following experience of it being problematic should be taken as an expression of great disappointment. I really do wish MRA would get their act together in making Navigation what it desperately needs to be.
The screenshot does not provide enough information for me.
Would you like to place a few links here of routes where you have noticed this. Please remember to set the status of the routes 'public'. -
@cristiano-repetti In the mountains, early February.
Maybe a stupid suggestion, but could it be that some roads are closed in the mountains?
@drabslab I believe in that case the route calculation would fail in MRA-Web as well (or just calculate a route to avoid the closures), unless "Disable seasonal closures" is activated.
@cristiano-repetti The two routes opened fine for me, on iPad and iPhone, including the additional task of calculating a route from my location to the start of each of them. A few waypoints are slightly off road, but I don’t think that’s behind your problem. Did you create the routes in Routeplanner using the Here map? If not, the waypoint positioning is minor enough to quite possibly be accounted for by variations in spatial data between different layers.
Good call from @Drabslab there. Try turning off seasonal closures in Routeplanner settings and recalculating, then trying again in Navigation. In my experience, this causes diversions (sometimes quite odd ones!) rather than inability to calculate a route. But if there is no alternative to a given road, who knows? Definitely worth trying.
The likelihood of the latter (in fact this whole problem) occurring on many or all routes seems slim though, and I can’t help but suspect that this issue is a local one. Can you tell us what device(s) you are using, please?
Have you tried the dreaded ‘delete and reinstall Navigation’ tactic? Not something that should be at all necessary and a desperate measure but, in extremis…
I checked the seasonal closes but don't affect them.
I drive easy both tracks with the garmin zumo, after the trasformation in GPX.Yes, I made them with HERE map default.
through "carplay" on my bike they go well.... only by my iphone app !!! (is not the same app?!?)
I try to delete and reinstall.... I have no other solution, I see.
I have changed the route in several ways. Even recreated.
The entire map of Italy downloaded on my iPhone.
I cannot reproduce the problem. Not in the planner and not in navigation. -
@pad-0 said in App navigator iOS: can not calculate route message:
The likelihood of the latter (in fact this whole problem) occurring on many or all routes seems slim though, and I can’t help but suspect that this issue is a local one. Can you tell us what device(s) you are using, please?
it happens on ANY of my routes. Almost 50, actually.
I use a Iphone 12 pro, updated to last ios. -
deleted , reinstalled... and it's all right. No errors.
Maybe I had to do this as primary solution.......................... (juast because I downloaded 2gb of offline maps and I did not want repeat it...
I apologize to waste your time. Very sorry.
@cristiano-repetti You did not waste our time. You documented a gremlin inside the app and that is valuable info.
@cristiano-repetti No problem whatsoever. I’m sure we were all happy to have some input and I’m glad you did find a work around, albeit an incredibly crude one.
What your raising the problem and your eventual ‘solution’ does is to indicate that this kind of issue still persists with Navigation (it’s one of numerous reasons why I binned the app) and that MRA continue to ignore it. That customers are reduced to resorting to such crude measures, suffering the inconvenience of lost offline map downloads having done so, is a massive indictment upon MRA and its developers.
I dare say that MRA might see me as a pain in the arse with such talk. The reality, however, is that it is the app that is the pain in the arse.
The point is also that:
navigation is a PAY app, few euros month, so I presume and I ask legit that is developed and assisted.
app is available in CARPLAY!!! for this reason, and using routes I compose offline, it's a super valid alternative of my navi sistem (I have a Harley touring, so i can use carplay and drive easily the routes created with Navigation app.
It's really a sin that it's so less important for MyRoute team. I hope in the future.
@cristiano-repetti said in App navigator iOS: can not calculate route message:
It's really a sin that it's so less important for MyRoute team. I hope in the future.
I am not sure that it is of less importance. MRA is an SME (9? staff) and with those limited resources they have to be very cautious to make the right choices.
Some 2-years? ago they made a roadmap for the routeplanner that is unfortunately not always followed, but we have seen some improvements. Currently, MRA is working on a roadmap for navigation app development and we are all very (im)patiently waiting to see what this will give.