@Timo-Martosatiman-MRA Great to see it is being worked on:).
ONGOING: Android Navigation issues
MyRoute-app community administrator last edited by MyRoute-app community 26 May 2021, 10:59 25 May 2021, 13:03
Attention Community,
UPDATE AS OF 26.05.2021/ 12:58 UTC+1
The issue has been resolved. See this thread:
https://forum.myrouteapp.com/topic/1315/mra-navigation-android-problem-solvedUPDATE AS OF 26.05.2021/ 9:21 UTC+1
We have identified the problem that some routes can't be opened with MRA Navigation Android. Due to changes to the database, Android no longer recognizes the database with waypoints. That was unforeseeable. Yesterday night an update was offered to Google Play and we are awaiting approval by Google. The expectation is that there will be several further updates today and that everything will work as it should tonight. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.
We hebben het probleem dat niet alle routes geopend kunnen worden met MRA Navigation Android kunnen vinden. Door verandereingen aan de database herkent Android de database met routepunten niet meer. Dat was niet te voorzien. Gisteren is er een update aaangeboden aan Google Play, maar deze is nog niet goedgekeurd. De verwachting is dat er vandaag meerdere updates gaan komen en dat vanavond alles weer werkt zoals het hoort. Onze excuses voor het ongemak en alvast bedankt voor uw begrip.
Wir haben das Problem festgestellt, dass einige Routen mit MRA Navigation Android nicht geöffnet werden können. Aufgrund von Änderungen an der Datenbank erkennt Android die Datenbank nicht mehr mit Wegpunkten. Das war unvorhersehbar. Gestern Abend wurde Google Play ein Update angeboten und wir warten auf die Genehmigung durch Google. Die Erwartung ist, dass es heute einige weitere Updates geben wird und dass heute Abend alles so funktioniert, wie es sollte. Wir entschuldigen uns für die Unannehmlichkeiten und bedanken uns für Ihr Verständnis.
Nous avons identifié le problème que certaines routes ne peuvent pas être ouvertes avec MRA Navigation Android. En raison de modifications apportées à la base de données, Android ne reconnaît plus la base de données avec des points de cheminement. C'était imprévisible. Hier soir, une mise à jour a été proposée à Google Play et nous attendons l'approbation de Google. On s'attend à ce qu'il y ait plusieurs autres mises à jour aujourd'hui et que tout fonctionnera comme il se doit ce soir. Nous vous prions de nous excuser pour la gêne occasionnée et vous remercions de votre compréhension.
Hemos identificado el problema de que algunas rutas no se pueden abrir con MRA Navigation Android. Debido a cambios en la base de datos, Android ya no reconoce la base de datos con puntos de referencia. Eso fue imprevisible. Ayer por la noche se ofreció una actualización a Google Play y estamos esperando la aprobación de Google. La expectativa es que hoy habrá varias actualizaciones más y que todo funcionará como debería esta noche. Lamentamos las molestias y agradecemos su comprensión.
Abbiamo identificato il problema che alcuni percorsi non possono essere aperti con MRA Navigation Android. A causa delle modifiche al database, Android non riconosce più il database con i waypoint. Era imprevedibile. Ieri sera è stato offerto un aggiornamento a Google Play e siamo in attesa dell'approvazione da parte di Google. L'aspettativa è che oggi ci saranno diversi ulteriori aggiornamenti e che tutto funzionerà come dovrebbe stasera. Ci scusiamo per il disagio e vi ringraziamo per la vostra comprensione.ORIGINAL MESSAGE:
An important announcement regarding MRA Navigation on Android:
Due to a database problem some routes can't be opened in the Android navigation app. The development team is hard at work to fix the issue as we speak. Our sincere apologies for the inconvenience.
Team MyRoute-app.
Belangrijke Mededeling MRA Navigation Android:
Wegens een probleem met de database kunnen sommige nieuwe routes niet geopend worden met de Android navigatie app. De programmeurs zijn hard aan het werk om het probleem op te lossen. Excuses voor het ongemak.
Team MyRoute-app.
Eine wichtige Ankündigung zur MRA-Navigation auf Android:
Aufgrund eines Datenbankproblems können einige Routen in der Android-Navigations-App nicht geöffnet werden. Das Entwicklungsteam arbeitet hart daran, das Problem zu beheben, während wir sprechen. Wir entschuldigen uns aufrichtig für die Unannehmlichkeiten.
Team MyRoute-app
Une annonce importante concernant la navigation MRA sur Android:
En raison d'un problème de base de données, certains itinéraires ne peuvent pas être ouverts dans l'application de navigation Android. L'équipe de développement travaille d'arrache-pied pour résoudre le problème au moment même où nous parlons. Nos sincères excuses pour la gêne occasionnée.
Team MyRoute-app.
Un anuncio importante sobre la navegación MRA en Android:
Debido a un problema de la base de datos, algunas rutas no se pueden abrir en la aplicación de navegación de Android. El equipo de desarrollo está trabajando arduamente para solucionar el problema mientras hablamos. Nuestras más sinceras disculpas por las molestias.
Team MyRoute-app.
Un annuncio importante sulla navigazione MRA su Android:
A causa di un problema con il database, alcuni percorsi non possono essere aperti nell'app di navigazione Android. Il team di sviluppo è al lavoro per risolvere il problema mentre parliamo. Le nostre sincere scuse per l'inconveniente.
Team MyRoute-app. -
Thank you Stefan, it's been a crazy day so far. The Web development team, App development team and our Cloud Service Provider are in an emergency meeting as we speak.
The meeting is going well, right now the teams are aligning short term and long term solutions to an effective plan.
MyRoute-app community administrator last edited by MyRoute-app community 25 May 2021, 13:39 25 May 2021, 13:34
The web dev team, app dev team and Cloud Service Provider have finished their meeting.
The issue lies in that the data type of waypoints and routes was changed by the web dev team on sunday. However, this happened without the involvement of the app dev team who as a result did not adjust the code of MRA Navigation Android to accept the new data types. Logically, this results in the Android app being unable to "read" the web database. The iOS version of the navigation app is untouched by this issue because it is able to automatically change the data type to the right format.
While the app dev team was not at fault, they are now dedicating resources to have a fix ready today/tonight on Android. We hope that simply updating the app will allow you to continue normal usage. However, just to be sure, our official advice will be to reinstall the app after the update has been posted. As I've already chatted with several of our community members: I understand how frustrating that is if you have 5 gb of maps on your device.
Kind regards,
@Matt-Flaming Thanks for the tip, I've edited it!
@Timo-Martosatiman-MRA Will the App also Updated? As I am aware is Beta almost ready.
@Kudee the android App will receive an update based on a previous stable build. As I've written in some other threads, this issue sadly coincided with feature updates to MRA Navigation for android. The added features will be reactivated in the coming days as a regular stable update. (you won't have to reinstall the app. As others have pointed out, reinstalling the app is not a preferred option)
Can you advise when this will be working as I have spent three months mapping for a trip to Scotland, I have also got some guys to get MRA and the app, and now it's not working and we are leaving Thursday morning.
@Vince-Hyde will absolutely keep you updated. While a fix wasn't rolled out yesterday, it should be up and running again today, in time for your trip to scotland to go through unhindered. I'll leave updates here regarding the progress.
@Vince-Hyde @Kudee @Matt-Flaming
A new official statement is out:
We have identified the problem that some routes can't be opened with MRA Navigation Android. Due to changes to the database, Android no longer recognizes the database with waypoints. That was unforeseeable. Yesterday night an update was offered to Google Play and we are awaiting approval by Google. The expectation is that there will be several further updates today and that everything will work as it should tonight. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.In addition to this, as part of the ongoing informal discussion, I can add that the developers have been at work with this issue since 6:30 this morning after working late yesterday night to get the new update out. We now aim to first and foremost ensure that those routes affected can be opened again. We expect some things to break as this isn't a regular patch but an emergency fix. Parallel to the release of this first update, we'll have physical tests underway to experience the new android update from a user perspective as well. There's no doubt going to be some improvements there, so that's why we also expect to have some further updates happening along the day.
The issue has been resolved.
Version 1.6.4