Anyone using MRA Next on a Android Tablet?
Thinking about putting an Android tablet on my bike for running MRA Next. I'll have the maps updated, be using it in offline mode, and will have all my routes synced with it.
Has anyone had any issues with this? I've read there were some problems with having the Transportation Mode set to motorcycle, so I've changed it to car.
I'm doing an extended weekend from SoCal to Arizona in a couple weeks and was planing to have MRA Next as my primary navigation tool. Is there any tips or tricks I should know about to ensure a good experience?
Although I'm not using a tablet, I know some friends that do it.
The tablet is as good as any phone to be used with MRa. You'll find same problems and benefits in a Tablet. Only be aware of: Tablet has LTE or will be connected to main phone for data?. Your power source has enough current to charge it? You support is strong to hold extra weight?
If all is answered as "Yes", the only thing you must do is "Enjoy it!!!"
@Ron-Z I”m using a Thork racing rugged tablet. The T865X witch is a great tablet with 1300 nits screen. MRA runs flawless on it.