Make your own Favourites available to view in "Points of Interest"?
I would like to see a VERY useful option added to MRA and that is to have your own favourites added to the list of Points of Interest.
I have been noting good cafes or stops for quite a while but as i travel quite a bit I forget where they are. It would be great to have my own favourites highlighted within the points of interest.
Is this possible and would anyone else find this a good idea -
@Des-Powell, I agree! It is not really far fetched to consider your own favorites to be a personal POI library.
For now you can add your favorites into your POI list. It is a liittle manual work needed, but possible.
With this webseite you can add your list (as text file or manualy) and generate a OV2 file that can be upload to MRA and seen in your POI list.(Sorry in German, but with Google, self-explanatory)
This post might be helpful
@Jörgen Thank you! will give it a go