Curvy Track re-routing problem
Hi, I made a curvy track just by entering the target and use of curvy road.
Then I did not follow the given Track.
MRA wants me to turn around!
Turn around always for a long way and not trying to take the shortest possibility back to the track.
Even not when I am 30m away from the track!
What is going wrong here?
s. Route von A zu B schneller anpassen
Hey Jörgen, schau mal da, genau das hat mich auch schon oft geärgert, jetzt weiß ich das nur der direkte Weg s. 1.) flexibel reagiert. Die Kurven Strecken 2.),3.)4.) sind feste Tracks die Du starr folgen sollst (scheinbar musst) auch wenn es für dich keinen Sinn macht.
Hey Jörgen, look there, that's exactly what has annoyed me many times, now I know that only the direct way reacts flexibly. The curve stretches are fixed tracks that you should follow rigidly (apparently have to) even if it doesn't make sense to you.
Previously people complained that when you’d deviate from the track, too much of the original track would be lost. Now too much is attempted to be preserved
I do understand this isn’t exactly the desirable situation too but we unfortunately do not have control about the rerouting logic for tracks in that level of detail (compared to route navigation).
@Corjan-Meijerink One question, did I properly miss the start point and was this the reason I was guided back?
@Jörgen probably
@Jörgen I've experienced that as well, and while my route had numerous possibilities, the app insisted, for 23mi, that I do a u-turn and go back....makes it hard to 'trust' the app
Recommendation only the 1.) s. Image to use if you want to remain flexible and still want to keep an eye on the goal.
1.) this is a route that is adjusted again and again when leaving
2.) , 3.) and 4.) are fixed tracks / tracks that are absolutely to be driven, the app leads you hard back to the exit point when you leave and from there you only kindly continue without an announcement...
Suggestion: also 2.) should be a route with a higher proportion of curves than under 1.).
Under 1.) it is still unclear to me with which avoidances the route will probably be calculated. Setting motorcycle and then?
This should also be supplemented by avoiding under 1.).
@Hubert-Thoring thanks for the input. In my example, it was a very simple A-B route, and the fact that it did not reroute after a couple of miles, to me, was extremely odd. There were no waypoints, just a start and a finish. (see the link, it explains what was going on, complete with screen shots).
- 9 days later
@Corjan-Meijerink : Eine Bitte könntest Du das von zuvor noch beantworten ?
@Hubert-Thoring to what?
What you state in the image is indeed correct.Fastest option is A-B route navigation.
Rest is track navigation. -
@Corjan-Meijerink : Sorry … Die Frage ist leider noch offen geblieben.
@Hubert-Thoring as the options are only available in track navigation that is indeed by design
The route navigation by HERE don’t support these settings. -
@Corjan-Meijerink : Hey Corjan, Herzlichen Dank für die klare Antwort. Ich werde es allen meinen Freunden so erklären
Dir weiterhin viel Erfolg beim + MRA Route Thema, das ist auch eine schnelle Möglichkeit für unterwegs jetzt schön zu fahren
Danke auch dafür
- 20 days later
Hi, I used an A to B Track (curvy Route) and deviate from the org. Track.
And now there was a recalculation to get back to the track.
What happened? How is this possible? Was there some change since beginning of July.
@Jörgen nothing
It all depends on the track and where you deviate. -
@Corjan-Meijerink Ok, thanks. I was very surprised
I thought something had changed.
Then it would be nice to know when a recalculation takes place and when not?
Or what a recalculation depends on. -
I tested the topic of track today with Guru Maps and MRA, there is a positive other behavior with Guru Maps maybe this is an idea that can be found in MRA
Route remains as it is
Position is displayed with the straight but shortest dashed line to the route
Distance position to the track as the shortest connection
you can drive and only get the audio hint once to return to the route
it is probably always a dashed line that shows the shortest connection, on which ges. Route to the deviation of the actual track
if you are back on the track then it goes normally to the destination
I deliberately just drove out of there
Then shortly afterwards comes the announcement, which is also as text in the display at the top
Then the new reference line to the track comes a little later ...
@Hubert-Thoring Please use the language of the topic. In this case it is in English.
@Nick-Carthew Okay, it's done